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Info- CFCD

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Strategic Government depends heavily on the ability of the support provided by the officials. The State Civil Service  must  improve the quality of the service and the support it gives to the government

In view of that, the State Government has initiated and developed new training programmes for the officers in the State Civil Service.For example "The Competency for Career Development (CFCD)

The CFCD framework encompass a wide range of disciplines and skills across the whole of the State Civil Service required by all levels of civil servants, with specific strategic thrusts to ;

  • Develop innovative and strategic thinking leaders who can effectively manage organizations;
  • Equip the public sector managers to fathom the workings of government and policy making domain;
  • Address the competency gaps that are needed by the 2nd tier leaders to face complex challenges;
  • Expose middle managers with the latest knowledge, techniques and know-how in improving the dynamics of the 21st Century workforce;
  • Produce public sector managers with the right competencies and talents in order to manage high performance teams;
  • Enable senior managers and supervisors in keeping abreast with technological changes.

An important feature of the CFCD is that all the programmes are designed and developed to reflect the unique perspective and practical reality of working in the context of the Sarawak Government

To ensure high-level inputs from the resource persons, the emphasis is on a blend of local, regional and international resources persons with a range of practical experience doing the jobs for real

In this regard, the capacity and capability of our resource persons within the State Civil Service will be enhanced with the techniques and methodology in developing and delivering effective training programmes especially on the real transfer of knowledge and skills to the workplace.

As one of the new initiatives of the State Government, the CFCD will bring the State Civil Service to a higher level by increasing the  Civil Service's resourcefulness,innovativeness,competency, capability and productivity. This will in turn results in the delivery of excellent services.

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