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Create & Innovate Make a Difference!

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A closer look at the theme for the Civil Service Day celebration, which was held on November 30, indicates that members of the civil service must now be ready to transform their way of thinking and carrying out their work. No longer are they expected to just be the ‘users’ of systems, rather they must regard themselves as ‘creators’ or developers of innovations and come up with new approaches for the State Civil Service.

Government departments and agencies will therefore be required to create a culture of innovation and creativity within the organisation, backed by the confidence that if they can focus on the structural capital – which covers the three components of work processes, systems and procedures – they would be able to transform the service delivery system into something quite extraordinary.

To achieve the goal, heads of departments must be more creative, innovative and “outcomebased” in nature; to assure people that the services provided are beyond the customers’ expectations.

Beyond that, the power of innovation also contributes toward the development and progress of the nation, with developed countries shifting from knowledge-based economies to innovation-based economies, in order to stay competitive in the face of globalisation.

Both the State Secretary YB Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi and the Federal Secretary YBhg Datuk Haji Yahaya Basimin were of the ‘same tune and tempo’ (senada dan seirama) in stressing the importance of the “create and innovate” culture in the State Civil Service.

According to the State Secretary, the State Civil Service must continuously create and innovate, so as to ensure a better, faster and more cost-effective service delivery system that will also bring transformation that is more meaningful to the people.

“Transformation and all its benefits are for the Rakyat, the customers and the business community. The efficiency and effectiveness of our servicedelivery system is actually measured by the way we deliver it and by how it impacts our economic growth,” he said.

As such, the Government has set up the State Consultative Committee, which has membership from both the public and private sector. Known as PEMUDAH at the Federal level, this committee will establish collaborations between the public and private sectors, with the aim of enhancing the service delivery system and improving the business environment in Sarawak.

According to the State Secretary, the Committee will also evaluate the public and private sector service delivery system, especially in terms of processes and procedures, apart from setting the benchmark for best practices.

The State Government’s commitment can be seen in the transformation of the State Civil` Service, where several government departments will undergo a process of restructuring; with Land and Survey Department and Public Works Department leading the way as pioneer agencies to be restructured.

He explained that studies have also been undertaken towards the restructuring of local authorities; the studies will be completed by the end of the year.

The State Government is also inculcating a new work culture based on high-performance teams, in addition to transforming work processes through Key Focus Activities (KFAs) and Innovative and Creative Circles (ICCs).

On the subject of a work culture based on innovation, the State Secretary expressed confidence that the State Civil Service is on the right track in generating innovative ideas, especially through the setting up of ICC groups.

Through ICC, civil servants will have the opportunity to bring their best ideas to the fore, and showcase the innovation and creativity of the State Civil Service.

This was actually proven recently, when on November 2 the ICC groups from Sarawak achieved the highest honour at the National ICC Convention, by winning both the Management and Technical categories contested. 4 Quest from Land and Survey Department came out tops in the management category, while Millenium Sabe, also from Land and Survey Department, won the technical category of the competition.

Apart from that, ICC groups such as SKIP (State Treasury Department) and Belian (Universiti Teknologi MARA) achieved international recognition by receiving ‘Excellence Awards’ at the International Convention on Quality and Creative Circles (ICQCC) held in Yokohama, Japan from September 11 to September 14.

Efforts to ensure the success of the Government’s transformation process in the future will also include systematic training and development programmes, such as the Competency for Career Development (CFCD) training for civil servants at every level.

As for the Star Rating System, which evaluates departments and agencies in terms of their administratitive capabilities, it has been extended to include 20 District Councils, for the first time ever.

Initially, the Star Rating System was implemented for the Sarawak Chief Minister’s Department, Commission of the City of Kuching North (DBKU), Council of the City of Kuching South (MBKS),Miri City Council, Bintulu Development Authority, Padawan Municipal Council and Sibu Municipal Council.

The issuance of ‘Clean Certificates’ by the Auditor- General for nine consecutive years now proves the efficiency of the management of the State’s accounts.

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Apart from that, Department of Labour Sarawak, State Economic Development Corporation, DBKU, State Treasury Department Sarawak and Sarawak Islamic Council received the ‘Four Star’ rating for the 2010 Accountability Index compiled by the Auditor-General. On the same note, Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak also created history when it was presented with the Financial Management Award at the National-level Public Sector Financial Management Awards Ceremony.

As for the Sarawak State Civil Service Quality Awards (AKPANS), they are given out by the State Government to acknowledge the contributions of departments and agencies, which also includes Resident Offices, District Offices, Local Authorities and State Branch Offices.

These government departments and agencies are evaluated based on the quality of their administration and service delivery; this year 79 departments and agencies were involved in the evaluation for AKPANS.

According to the State Secretary, all these have been achieved through the deep commitment of every civil servant in realising the Government’s priority on the people and its focus on performance.

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