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7th Sarawak CMEA 2016 Launch

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Second Minister of Resource Planning & Environment, Minister of Public Utilities and Minister of Industrial Development YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan (second left) lanunched the Sarawak Chief Minister’s Environmental Award (CMEA) with (from left to right) Assistant Minister at the Chief Minister’s Office (Promotion of Technical Education) and Assistant Minister for Environment Sarawak YB Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh, Controller of Environmental Quality Sarawak cum Chairman of CMEA main organising committee Peter Sawal, and President of Sarawak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) cum co-organiser Datuk Abang Haji Abdul Karim Tun Abang Haji Openg.

This award is held for the seventh time since it started in 2001 and this time it is organised by Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB) Sarawak and SCCI with the theme “Environmental Stewardship Begins With Me”, which aims to promote environmental awareness and consciousness among all communities in Sarawak.

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29 awards will be presented under six categories, namely large enterprise industries, medium industries, small industries, government agencies (local authorities), media and individual (environmental stewardship), with the last two categories being contested for the first time in CMEA.

Participation in the award is open to all industrial and service sectors in the State, and they are to submit their entries by 29 July 2016.

The award ceremony is expected to be graced by the Chief Minister towards the end of this year, where he will also launch the CMEA logo.

For more information, download the guide book and entry form at the NREB website (http://www.nreb.gov.my).

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