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SGTDP Aims to Develop Talent Pool Amongst GLC

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In the effort to contribute towards the national’s transformation agenda, the Sarawak Government Link Companies Talent Development Program (SGTDP) was launched to develop talent pool amongst government linked companies (GLCs).

According to the Deputy State Secretary of Performance Service Delivery Transformation YB Datu Dr. Sabariah Putit, SGDTP was timely as the state begins to make inroads towards developing talents in various sectors on digital economy.

“Talent development has often been a universal topic and focus worldwide. However various studies conducted have shown that talent can be instilled through practices and experience,” she said during the launching of the program on June 12th.

Launched by the Sarawak Centre of Performance Excellence (SCOPE) in collaboration with Talent Corp Malaysia, Bumiputera Agenda Steering Unit (TERAJU) and National Entrepreneurship Institute (INSKEN), SGTDP strives to build stronger partnership between Sarawak GLCs and host federal GLCs as well as to better understand the best practices among GLCs and also to develop high performance talents.

Expected to commence from July to December 2017, five candidates from various organisations in Sarawak will be selected to undergo a six months internship at host federal GLCs.

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A pilot program run nationwide, potential talents are assigned to gain experience and exposure through ‘hands-on’ projects.

Similarly, candidates from Sabah and Kuala Lumpur will also be participating in this nationwide leadership initiative.

Under SGTDP, the respective participants will be assigned to projects across various areas such as Human resource, Customer Relations, Research and Development, Engineering and Business Development.

Through the ‘hands-on’ training, the program is instrumental to instil high performance and leadership culture as well as to build business network and gain experience with large corporations among the participants.

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