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The Environment, a Mutual Responsibility

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In the effort to ensure the success of environmental programmes in the country, the Government always encouraged the participation of various bodies and individuals in Sarawak in environmental activities and programmes.

According to Second Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, many corporate and local companies in Sarawak has responded positively towards the Natural Resources and Environment Board’s (NREB) initiatives in the School Environmental Clubs (PALS Club) Adoption Programme.

Representing the Sarawak Chief Minister during the state-level National Environment Day on October 28th in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), he added that the corporate sectors and local companies in Sarawak have shown strong commitment in demonstrating their corporate environmental responsibility (CER) for sponsoring selected schools to enable students organise their annual environmental activities.

“To date, a total of 8 companies have adopted 22 schools out of 361 PALS Clubs in the State,” said YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan who is also the Deputy Chief Minister.

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“I strongly urged more local companies to come forward and to adopt schools PALS within or around their development areas,” he said.

YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan also said that the government is encouraging corporate communities especially factories to adopt and install cleaner technologies and incorporate cleaner production in their operation.

Apart from that, he also urged the plantation and forestry sectors to liaise and cooperate with NREB and participate in the pilot project on environmental audit.

“In order to enhance compliance towards environmental protection, I strongly urged industries and developers to adopt self-regulation,” he said adding that NREB has finalised the Guidelines for the implementation of Natural Resources and Environmental (Audit) Rules, 2008 which is ready for implementation.

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