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published news
and counting

RAKAN Sarawak (Apr-Jun) 2020

Must read


A Professional Civil Service Bound by Ethics

Culture Care and Service from the Heart

COVID-19 : Disaster Management

Healthcare Workers: The unsung heroes amidst the Covid-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 Front-liners: Impact on Mental Health

Taking Care of Your Mental Health During COVID-19

Providing Mental Support for Hospital Front-liners

COVID-19 Front-liners: the Security Personnel Experience

Coping with Covid-19 Pandemic in the Sarawak Rural Areas

Arahan Wajib Kuarantin Membantu Mengekang Penularan COVID-19

Meringankan Beban Rakyat Kesan daripada COVID-19

Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang Ringankan Beban Rakyat Berdepan Pandemik Covid-19

Pakej Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang Covid-19

Pakej Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS) 2020 RM2.55 bilion

Pelbagai Agensi Kerajaan Bersatu Hati Memerangi Covid-19

PBT Turut Memikul Tanggungjawab Besar Dalam Memerangi Covid-19

NGO Ringankan Beban Petugas Barisan Hadapan

COVIDTrace, Qmunity Kesan dan Jejak Kontak Covid-19

Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Bermatlamat Menangani Situasi Malapetaka

Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Sarawak Rangka Strategi Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca COVID-19

Melihat Sejauh Mana Keberkesanan PdP Secara Maya

Sarawak Harungi Revolusi Digital

Pemain Industri Dan Rakyat Sarawak Harus Bekerjasama Jayakan Transformasi Digital

Pembangunan Lestari ke arah Sarawak 2030

IDECS Buka Dimensi Baharu Ekonomi Digital Sarawak

Melihat Peranan SMA Dalam Konteks Yang Lebih Luas

Aplikasi SarawakGov Mempunyai Banyak Kelebihan

Program PANDei Terus DiPerkasa

Digital Divide and Digital Literacy

Adopt and Adapt Digital Disruption

From E-Government to Digital Government: Malaysia Initiatives

From E-Government to Digital Government: Sarawak Initiatives

Promoting Innovation in Digital Economy

Data Centre and Innovation

Penggunaan IoT Pacu Sektor Pertanian Sarawak

Kemudahan WiFi Percuma Memastikan Rakyat Bergerak Seiring Perkembangan Teknologi Digital

Capacity and Capability

SMA partners With IBM Malaysia to Develop AI and Blockchain

Centexs has collaborated with Huawei Malaysia To support the state’s Digital Economy Transformation Agenda

Centre of Excellence (CoE) Research Seminar

Digital Inclusivity

Introduction of Workshop on PANDei

Children of Cerebral Palsy Also Benefit through the Digital Literacy PANDEi Program

PANDei program equips Rural Women with Digital Literacy Skills

PANDei Workshop For Students

Technology and Internet Improves Quality of Teaching in Schools

The Youths Are Also Not Excluded From Participating in the PaNDEI Program

“Service Learning” Program Helps Women Learn Basic ICT

SME Business Online Helps Local Entrepreneurs Interview with Alianza Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr Roslan Razali

Upgrading of Smart Education (E-Learning)

Randau Digital Towards the Digital Literacy Society

Digital Infrastructure (Telecommunication)

4 Communication Towers (SMART300) Completed as of March 2020

Telecommunication Connectivity for the Residents in Long Busang

Pustaka In a Box Solve the Problem of Areas Where There is No Internet

Sarawak Digital Village Centre for Digital Entrepreneurship

TIDH Preparing the Youth in Urban and Rural Areas with Digital Technology

State Government Actively Developed Pilot Projects on Farming

Smart City

Sarawak Pay Serving the Underserved, Reduce Socio-Economic Divide

Sarawak ID Digital Service Platform Facilitates Sarawakians

‘COVIDTrace’ to Combat COVID-19 Through Contact Tracing

iSarawakCare Mobile Apps

SMA Developed QR Wristband to Monitor the Spread of Covid-19

i-Alerts App To keep Sarawakians informed of the latest Covid-19 Situation in The State

Digitize Disaster Management in Sarawak

SIIDEx 2019 to Promote and Nurture interest in Sciences and Technology

Sarawak Travel App as a New Initiative to Promote Sarawak

Setting Up Business Incubators

Equipping Future Talents with STEM Education

Bekerja dari Rumah

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Data Is the New Economy Capital

State Secretary Inspects State Departments and Agencies Readiness to Resume Operation

Service Sarawak as part of the Sarawak Civil Service Transformation Journey

Quality Civil Service Delivery for All Citizens

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