The government has always taken a balanced development approach that emphasizes economic growth and the well-being of the people.
Although there is no specific definition of well-being, the term is generally associated with a standard and quality of life that encompasses economic, social, physical and psychological aspects that benefit society.

In Malaysia, this aspect is manifested in quality healthcare; affordable housing; increased security and public order; improvement of emergency services; strengthening social integration and unity; as well as widespread participation in sports.
Better well-being will also increase the productivity and progress of the people.
The government has made huge investments to improve the well-being of the people.
Improvements in the healthcare sector have increased access to healthcare services, increased life expectancy, and reduced infant and maternal mortality rates.
Housing programs have improved the ability of low- and middle-income households to own a home.

In addition, relevant guidelines are also created to provide a more conducive living environment.
For 2020, the Malaysian People’s Welfare Index (IKRM) increased 0.6 percent to 121.0 index points in 2019 compared to 120.3 index points in 2018.
IKRM is provided by the Department of Statistics Malaysia. It gives an overview of the level of well-being of the people using 14 components covering the economic well-being subcomposites and social well-being subcomposites.
The positive growth in the well-being of Malaysians was contributed by the increase of 11 of the 14 economic and social components in 2019.
Chief Statistician of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin, said the increase was driven by the growth of economic well-being of 2.3 percent to 131.8 index points in 2019 compared to 128.8 index points in 2018.

IKRM consists of five economic components, namely transportation, communications, education, income and distribution as well as the work environment.
There are nine social components namely housing, entertainment and recreation, public safety, social participation, governance, culture, health, environment and family.
IKRM which measures the development of the well-being of the people also shows that economic well-being increased significantly compared to social well-being for the period 2000 to 2019.
IKRM is used as an important benchmark in formulating policies and programs towards achieving an inclusive and sustainable high-income developed country.
Malaysia will continue to emphasize a holistic approach in development and place priority on the well-being of the people in the process of service planning and delivery.