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Borneo Cultures Museum as a Medium of Education

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Aside from becoming one of the most iconic landmarks in Sarawak, the newly built Borneo Cultures Museum is set to become a medium of education.

During a recent interview with RAKAN Sarawak, Director of Sarawak Museum Department, Tazudin Mohtar said that he hopes that the new museum can become a main source of reference for students.

Tazudin said that the museum can hopefully be collaborating with the Sarawak Education Department.

As of this year, he added that the museum department had its first meeting with the education department to discuss on conducting livestreaming session with schools throughout the State.  

Adding more, he hopes that the education department would agree on the proposal.

According to Tazudin, the museum has a vast collection of historical artifacts.

With the help of technology, he added that one of the ways the museum department can help in educating the youths beyond the museum ground about local history particularly on the collection of natural history is by conducting livestreaming session to showcase Sarawak artifacts.  

Explaining further, Tazudin said that perhaps through the livestreaming session, the museum can introduce its natural history collection to science students and its art collections to art students.

Tazudin added that livestreaming session or virtual education with museums is happening in various countries around the world.

The British Museum for example, has conducted free live interactive workshop for UK school children.

These workshops cover areas of the history curriculum from prehistory and ancient Egypt to the Indus Valley, Greek temples and Roman Britain.s

Tazudin explained that previously the main job of most museum curators around the world is to collect artifacts and have them stored in the storing room.

However, that as of the 2000s, curators particularly in the British Museums were asked to do presentations of their research findings.

Today, Tazudin said that as Sarawak museum has their own research unit and curators, they can take this opportunity to conduct livestreaming of their research findings perhaps twice a month.

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