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Kampung Punang Baru, Lawas Selected as ‘Desa Lestari’ Programme

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In 2020, Kampung Punang Baru, Lawas was selected as one of the ‘Desa Lestari’ programme to carry out the smoked tahai fish processing project.

The project is managed by the Kampung Punang Baru Lawas Berhad Tahai Fish Processing Co-operative with 480 members.

This was reported during a walkabout visit by Minister of Rural Development, YB Datuk Dr. Abd Latiff Ahmad and Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister, YB Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan to Kampung Punang Baru on 28th March 2021.

Among the components of the project that are considered includes:

  • construction of 11 Central Smoked Houses;
  • construction of Anjung Singgah and Sales Centre;
  • purchase of operating equipment and tools;
  • operating and maintenance costs; and
  • marketing and commercialization.
Preliminary meeting and discussion between Lawas District MARA Officer and the Sponsor Committee for the establishment of Kampung Punang Baru Lawas Berhad Tahai Fish Processing Co-operative on 19th November 2020 (Image source: Ministry of Rural Development)

Chronology of ‘Desa Lestari’ programme for Kampung Punang Baru:

19 November 2020Preliminary meeting and discussion between Lawas District MARA Officer and the Sponsor Committee for the establishment of Kampung Punang Baru Lawas Berhad Tahai Fish Processing Co-operative
27 November 2020Briefing on the establishment of the co-operative by Puan Nasiha Syakinah binti Sabli, officer at Co-operative Societies Commission of Malaysia (SKM) Limbang and the General Meeting of the establishment of the Co-operative
10 December 2020Discussion between MARA Lawas, SKM Limbang and the Co-operative regarding the filling of documents for the application of the Co-operative with SKM.
16 December 2020Meeting between the State MARA Director with the Chairman and the Co-operative Board member (ALK) to discuss on the planning of the Co-operative and site visit. Meeting between MARA Lawas with RECODA officers regarding the Kampung Punang Baru smoked house project site under RECODA in Lawas.
14 January 2021Preliminary work survey for the construction of smoked houses in Kampung Punang Baru as proposed by the Co-operative was carried out by MARA.
15 January 2021Application and registration document from the Co-operative has been received by SKM Limbang for processing.
19 January 2021Discussion between MARA Limbang Officer and Limbang Land & Survey officer on the project site of Kampung Punang Baru Co-operative Smoked House.
26 January 2021MARA has completed the preliminary draft plan for the smoked house of Kampung Punang Baru.
27 January 2021Reviewing the registration of the Co-operative with SKM. The registration application has been sent to the State SKM for further processing.
28 January 2021Meeting with NRDA Director Datu Ubaidillah Latip to discuss matters related to the RECODA and “Desa Lestari’ village project and the collaboration that can be achieved.
1 February 2021Site visit by Deputy Minister of Rural Development II, Datuk Henry Sum Agong to the ‘Desa Lestari’ village Site at Kampung Punang Baru, Lawas.

As Kampung Punang Baru is chosen to be under ‘Desa Lestari’ programme, it is anticipated that this programme will create 75 new job opportunities and will benefit 500 villagers and its surrounding areas.

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It is anticipated the smoked tahai fish processing project under the “Desa Lestari’ village programme will create 75 new job opportunities and will benefit 500 villagers and its surrounding areas (Image source: Ministry of Rural Development)

These may include areas such as Miri and Limbang.

Lawas is considered a popular place for both locals and foreign visitors such as those from Brunei to get supplies of smoked tahai fish, anchovies and other seafood supplies at sales centres and smoked houses.

Kampung Punang Baru is located only 14 kilometres from the Lawas Airport and 37 kilometres from the Bruner border.

Thus, this makes Kampung Punang Baru the perfect pitstop for local and foreign visitors to acquire cheap and affordable seafood back home. Apart from that, as Lawas is strategically located near Sabah, Brunei and the Federal territory of Labuan, it is a popular tourist spot for kunang-kunang (firefly), proboscis monkey, crocodile and dugong sight-seeing.

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