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National 4IR Policy Launched

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The National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy was officially launched on yesterday (1st July 2021).

The event which was held virtually was launched by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy), YB Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar.

“Today, the National 4IR Policy is introduced with the goal to increase the country’s readiness to harness the potential of 4IR,”

“The policy also aims to transform Malaysia into a high -income nation driven by technology and digitization,” said YB Datuk Seri Mustapa in his speech.

The National 4IR Policy is a comprehensive national policy to transform the socio-economic development of the country through the use of 4IR.

The launching of the National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy was launched by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy), YB Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed (left) and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar

In his speech, Khairy Jamaluddin said that the government has identified five foundational technological to local’s capability; artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, cloud computing and big data analytics and advanced materials and technologies.

The National 4IR Policy outlines 3 missions:

1. Improve the quality of life by taking advantage of technological advances

2. Enhance the people’s ability to become adept in 4IR in all sector

3. Use technology to enhance the preservation of ecological integrity

Timelin of the industrial revolution over the years (Image source: Screenshot of presentation by Dato V. Valluvan Veloo)

The four policy thrusts of the National 4IR Policy includes:

● Equip the rakyat with 4IRknowledge and skill set

● Forge a connected nation through digital infrastructure development

● Future-proof regulations to be agile with technological changes

● Accelerate 4IR technology innovation and adoption  

“These four thrusts will guide ministries and agencies in formulating 4IR related programs.  This will be implemented based on 16 strategies, 32 national initiatives and 60 sectoral initiatives that have been identified,” said YB Datuk Seri Mustapa.

“To reduce the social-related risks inherent from 4IR, elements of trust, inclusiveness, cybersecurity, ethics and values ​​will be inculcated in all the initiatives,” he added.

The policy supports the national development policies such as Vision Common Prosperity 2030 (WKB 2030) and the Malaysia Five Year Plan.

The four policy thrust of the National 4IR Policy

It also complements the Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint that encourages the development of the digital economy.

The strategies and initiatives under the National 4IR Policy will be governed by the Digital Economy Council and the National 4IR, which chaired by the Prime Minister.

The National 4IR Policy is also aligned with the National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTIN) 2021-2030, that aims to develop Malaysia as a high-tech nation by 2030.

In this regard, the National 4IR Policy will further drive the aspirations of DSTIN 2021-2030 in creating a science, technology, innovation and economy (STIE) led ecosystem.

“The National 4IR Policy complements DSTIN 2021-2030 which brings an agenda of empowerment of science, technology and innovation integrated with economic consolidation under the concept of Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE),” said Khairy Jamaluddin.

The National 4IR Policy provides a comprehensive direction in preparing Malaysian to become adept in mastering that will benefit three main groups; citizens, businesses and government.

Through the National 4IR Policy, the three main groups can benefit growth opportunities and handle risks arises from 4IR.

It is also noted that the implementation of the National 4IR Policy, the Malaysian People’s Well -Being Index (MyWI) is targeted to increase to 136.5 in 2030, compared to 124.4 in the 2018.

“The National 4IR Policy is formulated using an axial humanity approach so that people take advantage of technology in addition to maintain humanitarian, social and cultural heritage values,”

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“This is in line with the goals of the Common Prosperity Vision (WKB 2030) to achieve the well -being of the people and economic growth which is inclusive, balanced and sustainable. It is also to improve socioeconomic benefits and ensure the risks inherent from 4IR progress can be reduced,” said YB Datuk Seri Mustapa.

He added that the National 4IR policy not only improves to existing initiatives, but also incorporates some new initiatives that covers four areas of focus, namely human capital, infrastructure, regulation and innovation.

Malaysia is also targeted to be in the top 20 in the Global Innovation Index in 2030 as well as achieving a 30% increase in productivity across all sectors compared to 2020.

“We hope that by 2030 after the implementation of the National 4IR Policy and MyDIGITAL, Malaysia’s goal to be high -income countries with inclusive growth, balanced, responsible and sustainable will be a reality,” said YB Datuk Seri Mustapa.   To download the National 4IR Policy, please go to the website www.epu.gov.my.

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