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Development Projects in Sarikei Division

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RAKAN Sarawak reached out to JKR, Sarikei to know on the recent updates on development projects in the Sarikei Division.

The implementation of the development projects is set to provide socioeconomic opportunities to the local communities in various sector such as agriculture and agro-based industry.

Aside from contributing to economic progress, the provision and upgrades of infrastructures and facilities will help to provide a better standard of living of the people by having access to more road network, public healthcare and education.

The Chief Minister of Sarawak was present at the project launching and earth breaking ceremony for Sarikei Integrated Administrative Centre (IAC) on 23rd June 2020 (Image source: JKR Sarikei website)

Below are some of the completed and ongoing projects by JKR Sarikei;

NoProject titleContract sum (RM)Date Scheduled Completion Contract period (Months)Funding
1Conservation and upgrading work of Historic Forts in Sarawak Under the 11th RMK Brooke – Fort, Julau, Sarikei, Sarawak3,792,019.0023/4/2020  15State
2Reconstruction and upgrading of dilapidated schools in 2019 – Package 5: SK Ulu Entaih, Julau, SK Ulu Entabai, Julau, SK Bandar Bintangor, Bintangor7,118,115.00  3/2/2020  5Federal
3Proposed redevelopment of dilapidated schools In Sarawak Using Allocation of RM1 Billion (Phase 1) at SK Abang Amin, Meradong, Sarikei5,197,988.00  12/8/2021  18Federal
4Proposed Construction of Fire and Rescue Station with Quarters, Bintangor, Sarikei, Sarawak7,969,720.00  25/10/2019  18Federal
5Proposed Jalan Pakan/Ulu Julau/Ulu Kota, Pakan, Sarikei Division (Phase 2)129,849,540.91  22/05/2019  36State
Implemented under the 11th Malaysian Plan, the conservation and upgrading work of Fort Brooke at Julau, Sarikei was completed on 31st August 2020 (Image source: JKR Sarikei website)
Fort Brooke was built in Nanga Meluan, Julau by Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke in 1935 to protect them from the rebellions in the local community due to tax issues (Image source: JKR Sarikei website)

(Source: JKR Sarikei)

NoProject titleContract sum (RM)Date Scheduled CompletionContract period (Months)Funding
1Retender: Proposed development of dilapidated schools in Sarawak using the RM1 billion allocation (Phase 1) at SK Adin, Sarikei2,915,945.00  10/9/2021  12Federal
2Proposed redevelopment of dilapidated schools in Sarawak using the RM1 billion allocation (Phase 1) at SK Nanga Meluan, Julau23,880,100.00  26/1/2023  24Federal
3Proposed completion of leftover work for dilapidated schools using the Industrialized Building System Method (IBS) for Sarawak State Phase 1 -2018 – Package 35,978,828.00  20/10/2021  4Federal
4Retender: Proposed completion of leftover work for Health Clinic (Type 6) at Di Nanga Kemalih, Ulu Entabai, Julau, Sarikei Division, Sarawak4,719,143.00  1/3/2021  15Federal
5Retender: Construction and Completion of Kompleks JPJ Cawangan Sarikei. Sarawak15,388,130.00  27/07/22  18Federal
6Design & Build & Negotiated Contract
Proposed Implementation of Jalan Pakan/Ulu Kota, Pakan, Sarikei Division (Phase 3) & Replacement of Seven (7) temporary Bridges under Phase 1 to Permanent RC Bridges
127,903,207.40  10/11/2024  42State

(Source: JKR Sarikei)

Upon completion, the project for proposed completion of leftover work for Health Clinic will replace the old clinic which toprovide a higher operational level capacity and consequently deliver more modern and comfortable health services for the community in Ulu Entabai (Image source: JKR Sarikei website)

JKR Sarikei is also involved in implementing Projek Rakyat to ensure the developments will elevate the living standards of the people in Sarikei.

The project of Jalan Pakan/Ulu Julau/Ulu Kota Pakan (Phase 2) saw the construction of 15.4 km R3 Standard road which was completed and opened for public usage on 3rd December 2019 (Image source: JKR Sarikei website)
NoProject titleConstruction start date  Construction completion date Duration monthsPhase
1Proposed Upgrading Jalan Pakan, Pakan District, Sarikei Division, Sarawak
(11MP – MTR)
25/03/2019  24/11/2020
20Under construction
2Construction of road connecting Mupong to Sibu – Tg. Manis road
25/03/2019  24/03/2021
24Under construction
3The Construction and Completion of The Proposed Jalan Rh. Sang, Kemalih/ Rh. Kedit, Sg. Buloh to Rh. Jali, Ulu Entaih (Ng. Segera), (Phase 1), Pakan, Pakan District, Sarikei Division
05/04/2019  04/12/2020
20Under construction
4Proposed Jalan Rh. Wilfred Uli / Rh. Panggai, Ulu Dayat, Pakan, Sarikei
28/02/2019  27/02/2021
24Under construction
5Proposed upgrading of Jalan Bawang Assan/Tanjung Manis/Sg Illas/Kpg Sebena (Fasa II) Meradong District, Sarikei Division
(11MP (1B))
13/03/2020  12/09/2022
30Under construction
6Upgrading of Jalan Nyelong By-pass to a dual carriage way, SarikeiUntil approval grantedUntil approval granted  12Pre-contract
7Road project from Sibu/Tanjung Manis intersection to Mupong – 1km20/10/2021  19/06/2022  8Pre-contract
8Gravelling The Existing Earth Road from SK Ulu Entaih to Rh Letong, Pakan, Sarikei Division14/04/2022  13/4/2023  12Pre-contract
9Proposed Jalan Ng. Entaih / Rh. Sang Ak Lasa, Kemalih abd Thirteen Spur Roads, Pakan District (Kerja Awalan)N/A  N/A  N/APre-contract
10Construction of Jalan Pasi ke Tanjung Manis including construction of Batang Rajang bridge (Under Coastal Road)22/03/2019  21/03/2023
48Under construction
11Steel Bridge Sungai Kanowit, Kubu Brooke, Nanga Meluan, Julau, Sarikei
(11MP (1B))
06/12/2019  05/06/2021
18Under construction
12Construction of Jambatan Nanga Lasi, Julau15/11/2021  14/11/2022  12Pre-contract
13Integrated Administrative Centre (IAC) Sarikei (11MP)  17/07/2020  16/01/2023
30Under construction
14Retender:  Construction and Completion of The Proposed Surau at Taman Bintang, Bintangor, Sarikei Division (11MP)07/04/2019  6/2/2020  10Completed
15Proposed Construction and Completion of Maradong Swimming Pool15/04/2022  14/4/2023  12Pre-contract

(Source: JKR Sarikei)

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*Jalan – Road

*Jambatan – Bridge

*Surau – Mosque

*Kubu -Fort

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