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Striving for Innovative Excellence at Sarawak State Treasury Department (Part Three)

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Between 2017 and 2020, Sarawak State Treasury Department (JPNS) had successfully produced several service delivery innovations and managed to garner numerous accolades for their innovative ideas.

The following are descriptions and achievements some of the department’s innovation group projects:

1 Bank Lodgement by Revenue Squad (2020)

Implemented through the eLodgement system, 1 Bank Lodgement is the centralisation of one receipt account for receipts to facilitate the management of the Sarawak Government’s collection lodgement by all collectors’ responsibility centres.

It is fully centralised and monitored by JPNS headquarters, with lodgement verification being conducted in real time and automatically thanks to the integration between the JPNS system and the bank system.

The innovation is developed by innovative and creative circle (KIK) group Revenue Squad to ensure immediate investment of surplus state funds in order for the Sarawak Government to better optimise the return on investment and build a more improved revenue certification system that will lead to greater efficiency.

KIK group Revenue Squad. Photo courtesy of JPNS


  • 4-Star Award at SCSICA 2020 (13-16 October 2020 at Pullman Hotel Kuching)
  • Gold Award at MPC Regional Innovation Showcase for Team Excellence (RISTEX) 2020 (17-18 September 2020)
  • 5-Star Gold Award at APIC 2020 (17-20 November 2020)
  • 20 Best Groups in State-level Public Service Category
  • Finalist at International Convention on Quality Control Circle (ICQCC) 2020
  • Highest award ‘Par-Excellence’ and Malaysian representative at ICQCC 2021 in Hyderabad, India
Steps in implementing 1 Bank Lodgement (in Malay). Infographic from https://kik.sarawak.gov.my/v2/modules/kik/

Project Impact & Value Creation:

R Input Form by DO IT 5 (2020)

To cease emolument payments to Sarawak civil service officers who are set to retire, see their contract expire, or complete their existing service period, JPNS prepares the T156A Input form manually at a certain period of time set every month.

This process can lead to overpayment of emoluments should the department experience delays in preparing salary input forms to terminate the salary of these officers according to the approved salary schedule.

To overcome this problem, KIK group DO IT 5 has developed the R Input Form, which is a sub-menu in the e-Salary system and comes in two different types of forms, namely RA and RB.

It utilises the logistics and infrastructure of the State Integrated Financial Budgeting System (SIFBAS) to enable functions such as online data input, and generation of monthly reviews as well as online memos of retirement / service ending reports.

KIK group DO IT 5. Photo courtesy of JPNS


  • 4-Star Award at SCSICA 2020 (13-16 October 2020 at Pullman Hotel Kuching)
  • Gold Award at RISTEX 2020 (17-18 September 2020)
  • 5-Star Gold Award at APIC 2020 (17-20 November 2020)
  • 20 Best Groups in State-level Public Service Category
  • Finalist at International Convention on Quality Control Circle (ICQCC) 2020
  • Highest award ‘Par-Excellence’ and Malaysian representative at ICQCC 2021 in Hyderabad, India
Steps in using the R Input Form (in Malay). Infographic from https://kik.sarawak.gov.my/v2/modules/kik/

Project Impact & Value Creation:

Inspectorate System by Innovation Geeks (2020)

To solve delays in submitting treasury inspection report to responsibility centres, KIK group Innovation Geeks has developed an online Inspectorate System.

This has helped enhance JPNS’s Treasury Inspection, which is a review of financial management and accounting procedures at responsibility centres. Following the inspection, an inspection report will be prepared by the Treasury Inspector to show these centres’ compliance performance.

With the Inspectorate System, steps required in the work process are reduced by combining some of them, including preparation and delivery of identification letters as well as creation of reports online.

KIK group Innovation Geeks. Photo courtesy of JPNS


  • Gold Award at RISTEX 2020 (17-18 September 2020)
  • 5-Star Gold Award at APIC 2020 (17-20 November 2020)
  • 20 Best Groups in State-level Public Service Category

Project Impact & Value Creation:

One Voucher Multiple Instructions by Q1-Team (2021)

Through SIFBAS, KIK group Q1-Team has innovated an application to overcome difficulties in processing Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments and repayments in batches.

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This has ensured the acceleration of processing government assistance such as the Maternity Assistance (BIB) and Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS) by facilitating assistance to the people and reducing bureaucratic constraints.

KIK group Q1-Team. Photo from https://kik.sarawak.gov.my/v2/modules/kik/


  • Gold Award at RISTEX 2020.
Screenshot of the One Voucher Multiple Instructions. Image from https://kik.sarawak.gov.my/v2/modules/kik/

Project Impact & Value Creation:

Source: Sarawak State Treasury Department

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