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Rural Development Projects by DID Sarawak

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Here are the lists of some rural infrastructure projects by DID Sarawak;

Projects under the 11th Malaysian Plan:

Funding SourceDetails
        FederalRancangan Tebatan Banjir – (4 projects costing RM 114.9 mil) RTB Sibu phase 3, RTB Bintulu, Kpg Bako,
Kpg Sebemban 
Rural Roads – 15 projects @ RM 501 milion – Mengkalap – Senampuan, Samarahan Engsengi
StateRural Transformation – flood mitigation (34 projects)
Projek Rakyat – 119 projects 54 complete, 20 constructions, 45 planning – waterfront Siniawan, Rantau Panjang, Kpg. Penasu Ng Semah road, drainage flood,

        (Source: DID Sarawak)

View of Kampung Sungai Bedil river wall from CH0+000 to CH0+660 (Photo credit: DID Sarawak)

Projects under the 12th Malaysia Plan:

Funding SourceDetails
    FederalRural roads – 574.5m for 9 rural roads, major one are Lubok Buntin/Gedong road, Rh. Jingga/SK Singat road, Ng Kabah/Ng Melipis, Song road, Kpg Murud Suang/Kpg Long Tengoa road, Trusan Beriwan road 
Rural Roads – 15 projects at RM 501 million – Mengkalap – Senampuan, Samarahan Engsengi
StateFood basket– 7 projek total cost RM184.027 mill
D&I Kpg Mujat (5m) Tg Purun and Pueh (8.12m)
Pantai – Kpg Puloh (6.4m)

        (Source: DID Sarawak)

River wall from CH0+000 to CH0+660 (Photo credit: DID Sarawak)

It was noted that the Siniawan Waterfront as some of the high impact projects by DID Sarawak in 2021.

Artist impression of Siniawan Waterfront (Photo source: New Sarawak Tribune)

On the Siniawan Waterfront, the RM10 million project was reported to have started in October 2020

Among the scope of works for the projects include;

Artist impression of Siniawan Waterfront (Photo source: New Sarawak Tribune)
  • Construction of approximately 235m riverbank protection work consists of 16m sheet pile (120m) and block stone retaining wall (115m)
  • Mechanical and Electrical services
  • One observation tower
  • One food stall
  • One shrine
  • Two types of Waiting Shed (Waiting Shed Type 1 and Type 2) and gateway
  • One of new pontoon and gangway
  • Upgrading works of RC ramp and road

(Source: DID Sarawak)

The expected impacts and outcome from the projects include increase in housing needs, the need of high-tech communication and global visibility, more job opportunities, growth in business activities and development, improvement in local socio-economy, enhancement and expansion in the tourism industry, upgrading in local facilities as well as attracting more investors.

Aside from that, the construction of the river wall in Kampung Sungai Bedil to Kampung Lintang in Kuching is noted to be one of the main rural infrastructure projects by DID Sarawak.

The areas that are involved in this project includes Kampung Sungai Bedil, Kampung Tanjung dan Kampung Lintang.

The scope of the scope for the project as follows;

  • Construction of river wall with walkway of total length of approx. 659m
  • Construction of new RC covered drain approximate 659m and culvert, earth drain, outfalls, gabion mattress, Geobags

(Source: DID Sarawak)

The benefits of implementing the project are;

  • Increase the quality of life within the cathcment area in general;
  • Preserving the natural setting of the rivers and maintaining the environment for the surrounding community; and
  • Increase asthetic values of the properties within the area
Top view of river wall from CH0+000 to CH0+660 (Photo credit: DID Sarawak)

(DID Background: DID Sarawak was set up in 1967 to handle irrigation and drainage for agricultural development in the State. Over the years, the functions of DID have expanded to include Hydrology and water resources, Stormwater Management (Urban Drainage), Flood Mitigation, Coastal Engineering and River Engineering)

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