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Housing Deposit Assistance Scheme to Support B40 and M40 Home Buyers

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– extracted and adapted from RAKAN Sarawak Januari-March 2022 –

First-time home owners from low- and middle-income groups in need of financial assistance can now consider applying for the Housing Deposit Assistance Scheme (HDAS).

The scheme’s introduction and implementation has been approved by Chief Minister YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg under the 2022 State Budget and as part of the Sarawak Government’s initiatives to ensure Sarawakians can afford to purchase and own their homes.

Affordable houses in Sarawak. Photo from Mutiara Mortgage & Credit Facebook page

“(The) Sarawak Government continues to intensify its efforts to provide affordable housing to the people, address end-financing issue among the low-income group and alleviate cost pressure in the housing market to enable them to secure a comfortable and liveable home,” states the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) in a press release in December 2021. 

HDAS provides assistance of up to RM10,000 for payment of housing deposits to those from the B40 and M40 groups who are buying new residential properties for the first time.

HDAS is another initiative by the Sarawak Government to provide affordable housing to Sarawakians. Photo by Nicky Tay

With an initial RM10 million allocated for the scheme under the 2022 State Budget, it is expected to benefit around 1,200 homeowners.

“The implementation of this scheme would enable more low- and middle-income groups to purchase and own houses as it would help to mitigate mortgage cost upfront.

“This is a clear testimony of the continuous effort by the Sarawak Government to ensure that a significant segment of Sarawakians would be able to purchase and own their houses,” adds CMO.

Interested applicants may refer to Mutiara Mortgage & Credit Sdn Bhd (MUTIARA) – a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Housing Development Corporation – which is managing the scheme.

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HDAS is managed by Mutiara Mortgage & Credit Sdn Bhd. Photo from Mutiara Mortgage & Credit Facebook page

HDAS Eligibility Criteria

  • First-time house buyers among B40 and M40 groups who purchase new residential property from approved developers or wish to build a house on self-own land within the following monthly household income range:
B40RM3,729 and below
M40RM3,730 – RM8,649
HDAS is set to benefit about 1,200 first-time home buyers. Image by Alachua County @ Flickr
  • Sarawakian with Permanent Resident status
  • Residential schemes / projects covered under HDAS:
i.Low CostRM50,400 – RM59,220
ii.Low Cost Plus / Medium CostRM80,000 – RM100,000
iii.Spektra LiteRM100,000 – RM120,000
iv.Spektra MediumRM135,000 – RM168,000
v.Spektra Plus / PuteraRM150,000 – RM198,000
vi.Spektra PermataRM90,000 – RM160,000
vii.Sri PertiwiRM270,000 – RM295,000
viii.Affordable Housing developed by State Government Agencies and its Subsidiaries, incl. joint-development with private developerBelow RM300,000
  • Those who participate in Spektra Mutiara Housing Programme of which the construction cost is financed by MUTIARA through Mutiara Dream Home Financing Scheme on self-owned land allotted by the Land and Survey Department under Village Extension Scheme (SPK) or Resettlement Scheme (SPS):
Spektra MutiaraRM90,000 – RM160,000

Source: CMO Press Statement on Housing Deposit Assistance Scheme (HDAS) 

RAKAN 1Q2022-20
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