Public Works Department Betong Division (JKR Betong) will proceed to complete ongoing projects in Betong division in 2023.
In terms of development planning, JKR Betong researched and proposed strategic projects based on the current development trend in Betong through various programmes.
For instance, the Rural Transformation Project (RTP), Rancangan Malaysia (RMK), and, most recently, projects proposed through the Betong Division Development Agency (BDDA).
BDDA as a regional development agency in Betong comprises or consists of constituencies of The Layar, Bukit Saban, Saribas, Beting Maro, Lingga, Kalaka, and Krian.
Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, is in charge of BDDA, with his deputies being Deputy Minister for Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development YB Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu and Deputy Minister for Women, Early Childhood and Community Well-Being Development YB Ricky @ Mohammad Razi bin Sitam.
RM1.5 billion has been allotted to JKR Betong in order to organize and enhance infrastructure and socioeconomic development projects funded by BDDA.
The projects planned under these programmes included a variety of infrastructure development and improvement initiatives, including the construction of new roads, buildings, sports facilities and complexes, jetties, and more.
In the year of 2021-2022, JKR Betong carried out 37 development projects and mentioned that three (3) of 37 projects that were carried out in 2021–2022 had a huge impact. The following is the high impact projects:
- Proposed construction of an airport in Bebuling, Spaoh – It become important logistic hub and enabler which drives, supports and sustains the agrofood and tourism sectors in Betong
- Pan Borneo Highway Project – To complete the road network in Betong Division which can support the rural population and this can lead to economic growth in Betong
- Coastal Road Project – To provide greater access to vast unexplored lands and better equipped facilities, amenities and utilities found in urban areas
Under the Rural Transformation Initiative (RTP) in 2021-2022, JKR Betong stated that 29 projects are still under construction.
Whereas JKR Betong has 65 projects completed and 29 projects in the planning for 2021, JKR Betong also has accomplished five (5) projects and 65 projects in the planning for 2022.

RM 17,550,000,00 have been spent for 103 projects in 2021 and RM 18,210,000.00 for 90 projects in Betong division and such support will come in form of the generation of opportunities through the stimulation of economic activities.
The primary strategic shift that has the greatest impact on how projects are managed and implemented is the integration of the JKR Regional Office and Divisional Office.

All development projects that had previously been conducted by regional offices have been relocated to the divisional office as part of this merger effort, and the divisional engineer has been designated as the project’s supervising officer.
By consolidating all the resources under one (1) JKR office within the division, it boosts efficiency in the coordination, implementation, and communication of all development initiatives within the division.
The integrating procedure, however, is challenging since it entails both contractual and technological concerns. JKR Betong’s department successfully conquered all of these obstacles and the merging process was completed on 1 January 2023.
In compliance with the state government’s aim that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) evaluation would be broadened throughout the state, JKR Betong made an approach to explore the adoption of ecologically friendly construction technology such as Cold In Place Recycling (CIPR).
CIPR is an advanced and environmentally friendly technique for repairing damaged road pavements. For both partial and entire construction alternatives, CIPR offers the most-effective alternative to pavement reconstruction.
ESG enabled JKR Betong in evaluating the impact of an organization’s environmental sustainability and social standards policies and processes. As a result, it has become an increasingly crucial criterion for the division’s inclusive, equitable, and sustainable growth.

JKR Betong also committed to be in line with the Post-Covid Development Strategy (PCDS 2030) since Betong division needs new opportunities and unlock economic potentials especially in the rural areas.
So, JKR Betong continuously focuses to complete the road network, as well as maintain and upgrade existing roads, bridges, and wharves, so that this infrastructure can serve the local community well in terms of socioeconomic aspects in accordance with the PCDS 2030.