It is important for Sarawakians to be aware of not only their own constitutional rights, but also the safeguards accorded to Sarawak for being part of the Federation of Malaysia under the Malaysia Agreement (MA63).
These safeguards, according to Sarawak State Legal Counsel YBhg Dato Sri Fong Joo Chung, “include special revenue sources, taxation power to impose State Sales Tax, and greater legislative and executive authorities most enjoyed by the Malayan States.”
He spoke of this in his keynote address ‘Reclaiming Sarawak’s Rights under MA63: Greater Financial Autonomy and Better Opportunities for Sarawakians’ during the first edition of SwinTalk Series 2023 at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Swinburne Sarawak), Kuching on 24 May 2023.

In it, he provided an overview of MA63 from Sarawak’s perspective, the erosion of certain constitutional rights throughout the decades, and efforts undertaken to reclaim them.
He also explained how by protecting its rights as enshrined in the agreement can the State possess the ability to better utilise its own natural resources such as timber, mineral and oil and gas, as well as earn its own revenue in order to accelerate its socio-economic growth.
This in turn provides opportunities for Sarawakians to contribute to their home state’s progress, especially as the Sarawak Government is currently pursuing a development that is technologically and sustainably driven.
To strengthen its human capital, YBhg Dato Sri Fong noted that the Government is in the midst of seeking for greater autonomy in terms of health and education.

Achieving this will enable the establishment of health and education-related facilities, amenities and centres that can enhance the people’s quality of life and boost Sarawak’s position as an investment destination.
“As long as these constitutional safeguards are entrenched, Sarawak’s rights to her rich mineral resources and boundaries are respected, and the financial resources are well managed, the State would be able to progress towards a high-income economy by 2030 with opportunities for all Sarawakians and the eventual eradication of poverty and the hardcore poor,” he surmised.

The SwinTalk Series is a quarterly talk organised by Swinburne Sarawak’s Faculty of Business, Design and Arts in collaboration with industry partners. Its primary goal is to foster knowledge development and facilitate the sharing of experiences and mentorship with Swinburne’s Entrepreneurship Hub and members of the public.