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Supporting Private Sector Growth in Sarawak’s Digital Economy

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– extracted and adapted from RAKAN Sarawak July-September 2021

As an implementing agency in Sarawak’s digital economy ecosystem, Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC) is responsible in carrying out digital economy initiatives that focus on private sector growth, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

“I have established SDEC to help support and escalate the private sector including SMEs uptake in digital technology to spur their growth, productivity and efficiency,” said Premier Sarawak, YAB Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg in his opening address during the 4th International Digital Economy Conference Sarawak (IDECS) in October 2020.

SDEC was among key initiatives announced by the Premier during the first IDECS in 2017. The organisation was incorporated in January 2018, and operationalised in July 2020 as a company wholly-owned by the Sarawak Government.

Engaging with the private sector, particularly SMEs, is necessary for they are enablers in driving socio-economic growth through their participation, investment, and productivity.

More crucially are collaborative efforts between public and private sectors as well as the community to turn Sarawak’s digitalisation goals into a reality, more so as the State aspires to be a high-income state by 2030

“The Government will concentrate on facilitating a regulatory environment that will allow a level playing field, make available seed funding and invest in critical infrastructure, research and talent development,” said Premier Sarawak.

For SDEC, ensuring the smooth implementation of Sarawak’s digital economy initiatives that support private sector growth is achieved through their services. In an email interview with RAKAN Sarawak, these services include:


  • Providing consulting and advisory services such as digital consulting and data analysis for various sectors and agencies related to the digital economy
Empowering the private sector to transform their business digitally is one of Sarawak’s efforts to accelerate its socio-economic progress

Research and Product Development

  • Involving in research that contributes to innovative technology and new marketing for various sectors through its Centre of Excellence for Digital Economy
  • Enhancing socio-economic standing by offering high-paying jobs to around 2,000 technology and talented researchers
A discussion during an activity at TEGAS Digital Innovation Hub in Kuching. Photo from SDEC

Digital Economy Project

  • Launching new economic sectors with the collaboration of various important and experienced stakeholders to accelerate digital transformation

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Improving local entrepreneurship development ecosystem through innovation, entrepreneurship education and programmes such as Digital Innovation Hubs and the Digital Village

Leading Sarawak’s Digital Economy

  • Operating Sarawak Rural Broadband Network (MySRBN) to ensure more comprehensive and stable Internet access in rural areas at an affordable price while driving Sarawak’s journey towards digitalisation
A major digital economy project of SDEC is MySRBN, which aims to provide affordable high-speed broadband connectivity to the rural population

Technology Services

  • Managing the sustainability of SDEC Data Centre and Hybrid Cloud Solution (SdeCloud), i.e. hosting and cyber-security, software validation and testing, corporate IT operations, system and service partner management

SDEC’s Vision, Mission and Values

Vision: To accelerate economic prosperity for all people through digitalisation

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  • Synergising our efforts with all stakeholders towards a data driven future
  • Developing and commercialising new ideas through translational research in digital technology
  • Empowering and enhancing the private sector economy to achieve the State’s GDP target
  • Catalyst of an inclusive Innovation Ecosystem
A section of the Centre of Excellence For Digital Economy at SDEC office in Kuching. Photo from SDEC

Core Values

  • Sense of ownership
  • Dependable and Trustworthy
  • Enthusiastic and Passionate
  • Creative and Innovative

Shared Values:

  • Inclusivity: Diversity is celebrated, and collaboration is championed
  • Trust and Support: Every one of us is entrusted to be rigorous thinkers and doers, supported by the collective genius.
  • Shared and Amplified Success: We’re focused on win-win and impactful solutions, adding value in each and every endeavour.

Source: Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation

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