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Teamwork Facilitates Solutions

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The success of any organisation depends on how its members communicate and handle tasks together.

Although, each department has different functions, but all towards the same objective, vision, and mission.

Forming an effective work team is an agenda that is the priority of the management in the organisation.

The saying goes ‘if you want to run fast, run alone and if you want to run far, run together.’

Teamwork is a way of cooperation that needs to be practised in organisations today to help improve individual capabilities and the effectiveness of organisational management.

An effective team consists of two or more individuals who have a course goal to achieve and all members are actively involved in realising the goal in a collaborative effort.

The success of an organisation requires the sacrifice of individual interests for the priority of the organisation’s goals and interests.

Selfishness is one of the biggest obstacles to the development of an organisation if employees have thoughtful suggestions but they do not share them with other colleagues.

In the world of work as in the public service, we will receive new tasks almost every day.

For those who are skilled, everything is easy. But for new or less efficient employees will often fail to meet the client’s charter as well as the desired quality of work when working alone.

On the other hand, working in groups allows them to support and help each other, thus making them more productive.

In addition to getting physical support, working in groups will provide moral support to employees.

When confronted with challenges on their own, personnel frequently collapse before completing their tasks due to a lack of moral support, particularly in operational areas such as investigations and special operations. As a result, they require a lot of moral support to continually think optimistically.

Studies show complex problems are most effectively solved by teams of three, four or five people, compared to people tackling the same problem alone.

In fact, high performing individuals are unable to compete with those who work in groups. An organisation must have employees with different types of talents.

Obviously, teamwork is the most important part of every organisation because it can share information, provide motivation, and help make better decisions.

By working in a team, employees will develop a sense of belonging and commitment to each other while achieving common goals. Thus, their work performance also increases, which makes the organisation successful.

Humans expect satisfaction in their work because job satisfaction can have a positive effect on productivity, cooperative behaviour, life satisfaction, and employee health.

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