Civil service leaders in this era are facing challenges which are ever more complex and interconnected.
Improving public service capability, productivity and innovation is increasingly necessary to meet citizens’ expectations and rebuild trust in government. This is a fundamental leadership challenge.
The context and challenges of the public service are changing at a fast pace, and the capabilities of public servants and those who lead them must constantly adjust.
Leadership is an attitude of life which is required in order to obtain performance and success in everything we do.
Strong leadership is critical to the culture of high-performing organisations.
A leader can obtain success by practicing an effective management style and true leaders are those who feel and live with those involved in the organization activity.
The prosperity of a modern organization depends on the emotional responsibility of the leader who is influencing the results obtained by the whole team.
Effective leaders can drive efficiency and productivity by creating the right conditions for employee engagement.
Effective leaders mobilise and engage staff to promote desired outcomes, and ensure that employees have the right resources and opportunities to use their skills and drive positive change in their organisations.
Engaged employees are shown to perform better, and to be more productive and more innovative.
Emotional intelligence is the key to leadership. The leader is the person who influences and guides the emotions of the team.
Leaders who take full advantage of the benefits of leadership based on emotional intelligence, channel the emotions that guide them in the right direction.
If the leader directs the emotions in a negative sense, subordinates are pessimistic, and they cannot obtain good results.