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Law Amendments For Carbon Capture And Storage Activities

This article explores how the passing of the Land Code (Amendment) Bill 2022 plays a huge part in reducing the carbon emission in Sarawak.

Dipping Into The Carbon Capture Industry

This article highlights what the efforts that has been implemented or is being implemented by the Sarawak government for carbon capture industry.

What Is Carbon Sequestration?

Sarawak is venturing into forest carbon activities such as carbon sequestration and carbon sink as one of the efforts to combat climate change and reducing greenhouse emission.

Sarawak Gov Tawar Pelbagai Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian

Sarawak Gov sebagai satu pendekatan dalam meningkatkan mutu penyampaian perkhidmatan awam berasaskan digital kepada rakyat selari dengan transformasi ekonomi digital Sarawak.

Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital Conduct FIH Clinical Trial

CRC SGH is the first site in Malaysia to obtain Malaysia Ministry of Health (MoH) approval to undertake FIH clinical trials, having done so in November 2019.

Forest Department Sarawak Pioneers in Hyperspectral Technology in Malaysia

SADU was formerly known as Systems Application and Development Unit, which was established in 2008 to develop applications based on hyperspectral and geospatial technology for research use in FDS.

Mengapa Sistem Pengangkutan Yang Baik Penting di Sarawak

Sistem pengangkutan yang terancang meningkatkan kapasiti dan mengurangkan masa perjalanan untuk mengangkut barang dan penumpang. Ini juga membolehkan kawasan yang baharu disambungkan mempunyai kemampuan penggunaan, pengeluaran dan pengedaran.

Ensuring a Sustainable Community Well-being in Sarawak

How KPWK is meeting the aspirations of PCDS 2030 and its own vision and mission through collaborative, inclusive and holistic initiatives with various stakeholders catering to its wide-ranging target groups.

Sistem e128 Tambah Baik Proses Kerja Jabatan Tanah dan Survei

Sistem e-128, pemprosesan permohonan Loss of Title dapat ditukar dari proses kerja manual kepada proses kerja atas talian sebanyak 100% dan tiada lagi penggunaan borang untuk pemprosesan.

In Transforming Sibu Into A Liveable And Sustainable City

This article highlights the environmental initiatives by the Sibu Municipal Council (SMC), winner of the Gold Award of the Premier of Sarawak Environmental Award (PSEA).

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