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Rethinking Rural Development

Our rural communities are rich with opportunity. Rural regions provide essential services to the economy, including food, mineral resources, energy, water, carbon sinks but also other important services, including tourism and culture, that contribute to societal well-being.

Innovation Clear Goal

Innovation, by its nature, embraces change because it is the stuff and process of change. The innovator uses change as fuel for action and food for thought.

Perlu Literasi Data Dan Maklumat

Literasi data dan maklumat adalah kemahiran yang perlu dipelajari dan dimiliki oleh setiap individu sebagai prasyarat untuk melangkah ke era globalisasi maklumat dan Revolusi Industri 4.0.

Managing Feedback Essential in Improving Public Service Delivery

Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that can be used to make important decisions.

Unit Trafik Warden DBKU

Penubuhan Unit Trafik Warden DBKU pada asasnya adalah untuk membantu Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) melancarkan kesesakan lalu lintas di bandar raya Kuching, terutama di kawasan bulatan ketika waktu puncak.

Data Driven Government

In today’s digital era where the society is moving so quickly from one thing to the next, leveraging on data helps government organizations more with the ever-changing landscape by becoming more well-informed, particularly during real-time analysis on areas that needs attention.

Open Data Ecosystem

Open data refers to the information that collected, produced data and paid for by the public and are freely available for anybody for reuse for any purpose.

Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Penggerak Desa Pintar

Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi membolehkan masyarakat di luar bandar menjana ekonomi melalui platform yang dibangunkan rakan strategik dan meluaskan peluang pendidikan secara dalam talian.

STEM Ease Industry Revolution 4.0 Transition

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge has become essential. Employers want both entry-level and managerial workers to have the types of critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork skills that study of STEM can develop.

Better Evidence for Decision Making

Results-orientated governments are increasingly making use of hard data and statistical analysis to enlighten decisions.

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