Tujuh (7) kriteria utama MBEF dapat meneraju JAIS ke arah potensi yang lebih unggul serta menjadi batu loncatan kepada JAIS untuk mencapai kecemerlangan yang optimum dan berterusan.
Usaha dalam memudah cara pengendalian perniagaan merupakan salah satu strategi yang telah dikenal pasti untuk memperkukuh pembangunan perusahaan mikro, kecil dan sederhana.
Public service organisations must be innovative if they are to meet expectations, reimagine the public’s experience of interacting with government, and ultimately to build trust.
The Civil Service is an essential part of the government. It supports the government of the day in developing and implementing its policies, and in delivering public services with the main purpose of developing public value.
With a focus on Regional Net Zero and Sustainable Communities, SAREF 3.0 will look to explore how Southeast Asian countries can achieve ambitious net-zero targets through a just and inclusive energy transition centred on people and sustainable communities, driven by renewable energy development and regional interconnections.
At Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, good governance is heavily tied in with the strengthening of integrity in every aspect of its operation, management, and administration.
Pembudayaan kreativiti dan inovasi tidak seharusnya dihadkan kepada satu-satu kelompok masyarakat sahaja, sebaliknya inovasi perlu difahami dan diamalkan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat dalam pelbagai bidang kepakaran masing-masing.
A milestone for JBPM Sarawak was the launch of the Mountain Cave Search and Rescue (MOCSAR) team in July 2020 to enhance efficiency in search and rescue operations in Mulu National Park.
The Additional or Late Applicant Fund (ALAF) was introduced in 2018 to help the residents of rural Sarawak who did not received electricity supply under the Government’s Rural Electricity Supply (BELB) Programme to get reliable electricity supply.