Sarawak harus bersedia perlu merebut peluang susulan langkah Indonesia untuk memindahkan ibu negaranya ke Nusantara, Kalimantan yang akan memacu pembangunan baharu di Borneo.
Pusat Komuniti Digital (DCC) ditubuhkan sebagai satu usaha mewujudkan penggunaan digital secara inklusif khususnya dalam kalangan masyarakat luar bandar dengan menyediakan platform teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) serta sokongan dari segi infrastruktur digital dan perkhidmatan.
Now there has been a growing number of active parties that develop various software, applications, and hardware to facilitate government, business, and social affairs.
Each of them wants to highlight their uniqueness and expertise in producing something new and able to generate greater opportunities and profits compared to the old way.
This passion has inadvertently created a certain ambiguous space that is exploited by parties or individuals to gain profit for themselves only.
Pembangunan Pusat Data dan Inovasi Sarawak berpotensi besar dalam memacu perkembangan sektor ekonomi baharu selaras dengan mandat Kerajaan Sarawak tahun 2030. Kerajaan kekal relevan dalam memenuhi permintaan dalam sektor ekonomi digital di semua peringkat melalui keterbukaan dalam transformasi digital.
This article focuses on the initiatives and projects by the Ministry for Infrastructure and Port Development (MIPD) mentioned during the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) in November 2022 to provide connectivity in Sarawak through the development of infrastructure.
Sarawak menjadi negeri pertama di Malaysia yang mempunyai undang-undang membolehkan industri termasuk minyak dan gas beroperasi di negeri ini mematuhi keperluan antarabangsa, mengurangkan intensiti pelepasan karbon di bawah Konvensyen Kerangka Kerja Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Mengenai Perubahan Iklim (UNFCCC).
Sektor PKS merupakan tulang belakang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malaysia dengan hampir 98 peratus perniagaan di negara melibatkan golongan tersebut.
As of May 2023, there are 3,291 registered technologists and technicians:
• 1,961 Graduate Technologists
• 461 Qualified Technicians
• 722 Professional Technologists
• 147 certified technicians
As of 2022:
• 97.9% of Rural Households in Sarawak have access to 24-hour electricity supply
• Over 25,000 households at previously unelectrified areas have been provided access to electricity supply for the past 3 years
• Since rural electrification began in 2009, more than 150,000 families in rural villages enjoy reliable and affordable electricity. Many are powered by SARES that gives electricity supply at no cost, although consumption is limited.