The only way that we know if we are managing our country well is when we are confident that the policies, regulations and processes we have crafted are effective in ensuring that we are leaving a much better world to our future generations.
The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak (MYSED) is implemented various entrepreneurship-related programs to encourage youths into entrepreneurship as career.
Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (PNS) telah dipilih sebagai pemenang hadiah Literasi Antarabangsa Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Sains dan Kebudayaan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO) menerusi program PANDei (People Accessible Network for Digital Empowerment & Inclusivity).
Strategi Pembangunan Pasca COVID-19 (PCDS) 2030 Kerajaan Sarawak tidak akan dapat dicapai tanpa masyarakat berilmu dan berketerampilan (competence and knowledge society).
Sarawak menyasarkan peningkatan nilai eksport kayu tahunan mencecah RM8 bilion menjelang 2030 dengan memperuntukkan kuasa kawal selia industri perkayuan sepenuhnya kepada STIDC di bawah RUU STIDC yang diluluskan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak.
SIRIM’s efforts towards ensuring the highest quality of products in Malaysia extends beyond research and certification, and into its support towards micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Larian kesihatan merupakan salah satu program utama MAKSAK Sarawak bersama kelab gabungan bermatlamat untuk menggalakkan penglibatan penjawat awam bergiat aktif dalam aktiviti berbentuk rekreasi dan kecergasan.
Various greening programmes were implemented by the Sarawak Forests Department to regain the ecological functionality of the State’s degraded forest landscape.