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Unit Trafik Warden DBKU

Penubuhan Unit Trafik Warden DBKU pada asasnya adalah untuk membantu Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) melancarkan kesesakan lalu lintas di bandar raya Kuching, terutama di kawasan bulatan ketika waktu puncak.

Data Driven Government

In today’s digital era where the society is moving so quickly from one thing to the next, leveraging on data helps government organizations more with the ever-changing landscape by becoming more well-informed, particularly during real-time analysis on areas that needs attention.

Open Data Ecosystem

Open data refers to the information that collected, produced data and paid for by the public and are freely available for anybody for reuse for any purpose.

Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Penggerak Desa Pintar

Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi membolehkan masyarakat di luar bandar menjana ekonomi melalui platform yang dibangunkan rakan strategik dan meluaskan peluang pendidikan secara dalam talian.

STEM Ease Industry Revolution 4.0 Transition

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge has become essential. Employers want both entry-level and managerial workers to have the types of critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork skills that study of STEM can develop.

Better Evidence for Decision Making

Results-orientated governments are increasingly making use of hard data and statistical analysis to enlighten decisions.

Delivering Better Services

Today’s civil servants are addressing problems of unprecedented complexity in societies that are more pluralistic and demanding than ever. At the same time, the systems and tools of governance are increasingly digital, open and networked.

Challenging VUCA Era

Globalisation today is about the interconnections among individuals, firms, and groups. It made possible by information revolution and technology where most of the time misjudged, misinterpreted or ignored, until it unexpectedly must be understood and incorporated into our understanding.

We Shall Respect One Another And Our Differences

The differences in race, religion and faith should not lead to dispute and disunity among the people. Instead, such differences should represent the natural character of human beings that ought to be appreciated.

To Serve And Truly Help People

Civil servants play an important role in society and it is important that we serve them ethically, with integrity, loyalty, impartiality, and objectivity.

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