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MRSM Bintulu Sedia Akses dan Peluang Pendidikan Berkualiti

MRSM Bintulu ini dibina untuk memberikan akses dan peluang pendidikan yang berkualiti buat anak Sarawak. Ia juga merupakan inkubator bagi memupuk minat dalam bidang Sains, Teknologi Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM).

Empowering Excellence: Swinburne Welcomes State Civil Servants to Postgraduate Course

This endeavour aligns with the objectives outlined in the Post COVID-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030, which intends to empower the people of Sarawak with the necessary skills to access higher-paying job opportunities and boost their income levels.

ALAF Initiative Lighting Up Rural Sarawak

The Sarawak government remains dedicated to providing reliable electricity supply to all its citizens and ensure that its initiatives reach more households, positively impacting the lives of people in Sarawak.

Investment in Agriculture Technology for More Productive and Sustainable Economy

Farming systems need to be both more productive and more sustainable; this requires new ways of farming, and farmers who are capable of responding to new challenges, not least the changing demands of food markets.

Kenali Permainan Tradisional Masyarakat Sarawak

Permainan tradisional bukan sahaja berfungsi sebagai suatu hiburan, malah juga bermanfaat untuk kecerdasan jasmani dan rohani diri.

Menukar Sisa Buangan Kepada Tenaga

Sarawak mula mengorak langkah untuk menjalin kerjasama strategik dalam WtE dengan Sweden sebagai usaha negeri ini mengurus sisa buangan dan pelupusan sampah yang lebih mampan.

WtE Benefits Waste Management and Energy Production

Waste-to-energy is part of creating a sustainable, circular economy, whereby we keep resources in use as long as possible.

Youth Vital for Nation Development

Young people also have a unique contribution to make to national development due to their energy, enthusiasm, resilience and an ability to inject fresh vigour.

Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

Agriculture offers a lot of attractive activities and businesses. Encouraging youth participation in modern agriculture methods can overcome the rate of unemployment in this country.

Information Visibility for Ability to Act

Knowledge and information are essential for people to successfully respond to the opportunities and challenges of social, economic and technological changes.

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