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Sarawak Aspires to Be a Digital Economy Powerhouse by 2030

Sarawak Digital Economy Blueprint 2030 is a living document that will transform the whole-of-economy and society from a conventional resource-based economy to an environmentally sustainable technology-based economy.

Persiapan Mencalonkan Sarawak Delta Geopark ke UNESCO Global Geopark

Sarawak Delta Geopark adalah suatu pengiktirafan kepada Sarawak dalam pemeliharaan kelestarian alam semula jadi dan pengurusan mampan kawasan berkepentingan kebangsaan yang memiliki nilai geotapak luar biasa.

Sarawak Government Will Build 45 Laboratories To Enhance STEM Learning

With a strong background in STEM, Sarawakian talents will also be able to learn, understand and apply knowledge and skills related to digital technology brought about by Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Galeri Rumah Sri Aman Rakam Perjuangan Pertahan Keamanan

Pameran di Galeri Rumah Sri Aman terdiri daripada empat tema keseluruhannya iaitu Rumah Atas Bukit, Era Rajah Putih, Pertempuran dan Perdamaian dan Air Pasang.

Perpustakaan Sebagai Pusat Pembangunan Masyarakat

Perpustakaan Awam Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu (PA BDA) memainkan peranan penting dalam menyediakan koleksi bahan bacaan, maklumat dan kemudahan lain bagi memenuhi keperluan masyarakat setempat.

Sistem Pesanan Kerjaya (SPEAK) Boost School Leavers’ Capacity in Sarawak

MEITD Sarawak committed to provide the best services possible to school dropouts by launching the SPEAK system because they are the ones who will ultimately shape the future of the nation.

Sarawak Government Continues to Support the Tok Nan Chair in Ethnic Research

The establishment of the Tok Nan Research Chair led to it introducing a series of initiatives including providing scholarships to Sarawakian students to enable them to continue their education to from Diploma level to Doctorate (PhD).

GKCDA Memastikan Pelaksanaan Projek Berjalan Lancar

Model GKCDA adalah serupa dengan Agensi Pembangunan Wilayah Bersepadu Samarahan (IRSDA) di mana Ia bukan sebuah badan berkanun yang formal tetapi berperanan sebagai agensi yang akan menyelaras semua projek pembangunan yang diluluskan di kawasan yang telah ditetapkan.

Sarawak Invest in Smart Farming

Expansion of the agriculture sector can boost incomes of families two to four times more effectively than other industries.

Making School Buses More Accessible for B40 Students

As of May 2023, the programme has benefited 7,666 students in divisions of Kuching, Sibu and Miri.

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