Urban polarization has led to climate change whereby everyone is trying to reach their economic focus; due to that, Sarawak is the first state in Malaysia who practices a New Green Economy Policy and changing the economy focus to Green Economy to drive a sustainable development.
Various greening programmes were implemented by the Sarawak Forests Department to regain the ecological functionality of the State’s degraded forest landscape.
For the first time in Malaysia, a clinic at a remote village in Sarawak is introduced to a hybrid solar-hydrogen power generation system, showing a promising and greener future in Sarawak’s rural electrification efforts.
Dalam membangunkan Geopark Delta Sarawak, aspek pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan warisan termasuk pembangunan ekonomi dan pembangunan komuniti ditekankan dengan mengintegrasikan alam semula jadi dan pemuliharaan warisan budaya sebagai satu entiti yang seimbang.