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Pensijilan Tunggal Wadah Baharu Dalam Memperkasa TVET

Cadangan Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM) untuk menjadikan Sistem Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) sebagai pensijilan tunggal Pendidikan dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) akan menjadi wadah baharu dalam memperkasakan pendidikan TVET di negara ini.

Dana IP 2.0: Driving Innovation and Economic Growth Through IP Protection

The funding grant introduced under the 12th Malaysia Plan aims to make it more convenient for Malaysians to file and subsequently protect their intellectual properties.

IPR Takes New Approach in Eradicating Poverty

Launched in February 2023, Inisiatif Pendapatan Rakyat focuses on long-term measures to empower the hardcore poor and B40 to earn their own income.

Building Malaysia Madani

The revised budget aims to ensure sustainable and inclusive economic growth, enhancing institutional reforms and governance, and championing social justice for all Malaysians.

Accelerating 5G Enterprise Innovation – MRANTI Stepping Up Pace

MRANTI 5G Experience Centre will unlocks the potential for a wide variety of use cases to be developed, including those that help corporations meet sustainability goals and improve supply chain.

Indeks Penarafan Bintang Sektor Awam

Elemen akauntabiliti memberi impak yang besar terhadap sistem kerajaan. Dengan teknik yang betul untuk mengukur prestasi, Indeks SSR membolehkan agensi kerajaan memikul tanggungjawab yang lebih jelas dan memberi peluang untuk meningkatkan kredibiliti penyampaian perkhidmatan.

Inovasi Jabatan Tanah Dan Survei Sarawak Meraih Pengiktirafan di Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2023

Selain daripada pengiktirafan Public Service Innovation Award (PSIA), Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2023 juga menjadi platform untuk para inventors dan innovators daripada seluruh dunia untuk berkumpul dan merebut pengiktirafan yang dianugerahkan semasa expo ini berlangsung.

StatsDW 2.0: In Providing Good and Reliable Data

The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) officially launched the Statistics Data Warehouse 2.0 (StatsDW 2.0) in June 2022.

The Evolution of Rural Transformation in Malaysia

A look at how rural development policies in Malaysia has evolved since its independence, from land development and human capital to sustainable development in rural areas.

Food Security For The Future

With the theme ‘Food Security For the Future’, the biennial Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agro-tourism 2022 (MAHA 2022) event was in line with the government’s commitment to focus on strengthening the country’s food security.

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