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Dari RAKAN Sarawak

Going Digital in Welfare

Technology is an engine of growth that facilitates enhancement of digitalization which has brought an optimum advantage as a platform to market their economic activities.

Digitalization to Provide Better Service for the Public

The main channel of communication of the public with KWKPK stands at 79.73 per cent for online channels compared to 20.27 per cent choosing offline or physical method.

Mengenal Pasti Maklumat Salah Dalam Talian

Maklumat salah (misinformation) dalam talian boleh dikenal pasti dengan beberapa panduan dan langkah tertentu. Blog Rasmi Google telah berkongsi beberapa panduan bagi membantu pengguna mengenal pasti maklumat salah secara dalam talian dengan lebih baik.

How To Spot Misinformation?

With so much disinformation spreading through social media, credibility of the story is very important.

Industri Sukan Terus Diperkasakan

Industri sukan bukan sahaja berkaitan dengan industri pembuatan produk berkaitan sukan semata-mata, tetapi turut melibatkan pelbagai komponen lain termasuklah dari segi perkhidmatan, perubatan, sains sukan, pelancongan dan lain-lain berteraskan atlet, masyarakat dan aktiviti sukan itu sendiri.

Signifikan 22 Julai dan Era Pasca Pandemik COVID-19

Pada perspektif lebih luas, keupayaan Sarawak untuk membuat keputusan sendiri untuk kepentingan Sarawak seharusnya mencerminkan jati diri anak Sarawak untuk menentukan masa hadapan mereka sendiri agar negeri ini setanding dengan negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia.

Pusat Digital Komuniti (DCC) – Komponen Penting Ekosistem Pertumbuhan Syarikat Pemula

DCC mampu menjadi pusat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan syarikat pemula di Sarawak Kemudahan yang disediakan di DCC memberi peluang kepada komuniti memperkasa kemahiran digital dan ICT

The Evolving Nature of ‘Fake News’

In recent decades, the increased use of social networking sites, alongside improved accessibility, affordability and portability of the Internet, have led to an explosion of fake news, with false information being shared widely in a matter of seconds without being fact-checked.

What is Misinformation?

The term misinformation can be referred to information that is either incorrect or inaccurate and it is often spread widely with people regardless of the intention. The misleading information is created or shared without the intention to manipulate or deceive people.

Building the Foundation for Media Education

Having the ability to navigate the increasingly complex media landscape is extremely vital; as most Malaysians rely heavily on online and social media for their news, they need to be able to think critically about what they consume to reduce their susceptibility to misinformation and disinformation.

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