Di Sarawak, projek pembaharuan bandar sangat penting kerana dianggarkan lebih 50 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk di negeri ini tinggal di bandar.
Justeru, pembaharuan bandar melibatkan pembangunan semula kawasan penempatan yang sesak dan usang perlu dilakukan untuk menjadikan kawasan persekitaran kediaman yang kondusif, selamat dan sihat.
The development of sports infrastructure encourages the young population to participate in sporting activities and thus contributes to a healthier society.
Skills and abilities developed by sport promote people’s well-being and has direct impact on their physical, mental and psychological performance, hence better quality of life.
Pelaksanaan PKP selaras dengan arahan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) No. 20, agar tindakan-tindakan yang diambil di peringkat sebelum, semasa dan selepas sesuatu kejadian bencana dapat dilaksanakan dengan cekap, teratur, terancang, berkesan dan mencukupi.
Improving existing digital connectivity and establishing new ones are part of Sarawak’s digital economy agenda as well as its strategic recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in order to become a high-income state by 2030.
Perhaps one of the momentous moments for the preservation of culture, history and heritage in Sarawak is when the Sarawak Heritage Ordinance 2019 was introduced.
The Sarawak Heritage Ordinance was introduced in October 2019 to replace the Sarawak Cultural Heritage Ordinance 1993.
Pusat pentadbiran bersepadu baharu ini melambangkan komitmen kerajaan dalam memberikan perkhidmatan berkualiti kepada rakyat, khususnya di Bahagian Limbang dan Daerah Lawas.
While there is no single measure is enough to completely dampen the effect of a pandemic, this shows that a continuous resumption of economic activity coupled with various assistances of the government’s initiatives has help ease the burden of people, business and economy.
The closure of economic sectors has a huge impact on the nation's economy as well as affecting the lives of the public, thus the need for the assistance provided the government.
PERMAI tertumpu kepada membela nasib rakyat, pada masa yang sama turut menggiatkan usaha untuk merancakkan ekonomi domestik agar kesan negatif daripada pandemik COVID-19 dapat diminimumkan.