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Dari RAKAN Sarawak

Better Evidence for Decision Making

Results-orientated governments are increasingly making use of hard data and statistical analysis to enlighten decisions.

Delivering Better Services

Today’s civil servants are addressing problems of unprecedented complexity in societies that are more pluralistic and demanding than ever. At the same time, the systems and tools of governance are increasingly digital, open and networked.

Challenging VUCA Era

Globalisation today is about the interconnections among individuals, firms, and groups. It made possible by information revolution and technology where most of the time misjudged, misinterpreted or ignored, until it unexpectedly must be understood and incorporated into our understanding.

We Shall Respect One Another And Our Differences

The differences in race, religion and faith should not lead to dispute and disunity among the people. Instead, such differences should represent the natural character of human beings that ought to be appreciated.

To Serve And Truly Help People

Civil servants play an important role in society and it is important that we serve them ethically, with integrity, loyalty, impartiality, and objectivity.

Teamwork Facilitates Solutions

Teamwork is the most important part of every organisation because it can share information, provide motivation, and help make better decisions.

Program LIFE Memperkasa Golongan Berpendapatan Rendah

Program LIFE merupakan langkah intervensi yang penting oleh pihak kementerian dalam mengubah minda golongan sasar dengan menyediakan latihan kemahiran, peluang latihan semula termasuklah bantuan modal bagi memperkasa isi rumah berpendapatan rendah yang produktif untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti yang boleh menjana pendapatan.

Industri Ladang Hutan Tampung Keperluan Bahan Mentah Industri Perkayuan

Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi (KPK) sentiasa komited dalam mendukung usaha memperkasa industri perkayuan negara dari masa ke masa memandangkan industri ini merupakan antara penyumbang utama bagi pertumbuhan sosio-ekonomi kepada negara.

Projek Model Ladang Hutan Sarawak

Projek Model Ladang Hutan merupakan kerjasama antara Jabatan Hutan Sarawak (JHS) dan Lembaga Perindustrian Kayu Malaysia (MTIB) sejak 2010, bertujuan untuk memberi panduan dalam pengurusan dan pembangunan ladang hutan di Sarawak.

Premier Sarawak Rasmi Bangunan Baharu Pejabat Daerah Selangau

Selangau dikenali sebagai daerah perhentian dan Selangau merupakan sebuah daerah yang kaya dengan hasil hutan seperti buah-buahan.

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