A total of 26 local authorities (PBTs) in Sarawak will be participating in the Malaysia Urban Rural National Indicators Network for Sustainable Development (MURNInets) next year.
TVET graduates can expect more demand for their expertise as regional development agencies across Sarawak are to implement various development projects for the next many years.
Several months following its formation, the Betong Division Development Agency is ramping up efforts towards a methodical development progress in Betong Division by establishing working committees.
Majlis Konvensyen Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) yang ke-26 turut meraikan 35 graduan kohot pertama Ijazah Sarjana Muda Program Perubatan, Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan yang mendapat tajaan biasiswa penuh daripada Kerajaan Sarawak melalui Yayasan Sarawak.
During the 26th UNIMAS Convocation Ceremony, RAKAN Sarawak had the opportunity to interview two recipients of Yayasan Sarawak Scholarship from the Faculty of Medicine...
Bidang pendidikan amat penting dalam melahirkan generasi baharu seimbang, bukan sahaja rohani tetapi juga jasmani selain mempunyai daya pemikiran yang kreatif, kritis dan berdaya saing seperti mana matlamat Dasar Pendidikan Negara.
Malaysia witnessed the launching of the new Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation (MRANTI) Park Master Plan on 6 October by the Malaysian Prime Minister.