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News and Events

Digitalization to Provide Better Service for the Public

The main channel of communication of the public with KWKPK stands at 79.73 per cent for online channels compared to 20.27 per cent choosing offline or physical method.

Sarawak 10th Literary Award

Selection is based on the contribution and involvement of the writer in literature activities including state level, national level and international level.

COVID-19 Vaccination Programme under Transport Sector

Priority for vaccination for COVID-19 should be given to front liners and people who are providing service under essential services and these include people in the transport sector including p-hailing riders for delivery of food and drinks.

National 4IR Policy Launched

The National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy also complements the Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint that encourages the development of the digital economy.

Pusat Tabung Darah Hospital Umum Sarawak

Sebanyak 11 katil penderma disediakan di samping ruang menunggu dan ruang rehat yang lebih selesa berbanding di bangunan lama.

RES dan SARES Menyediakan Akses Elektrik 24 Jam Di Utara Sarawak

Kementerian Utiliti Sarawak dengan kerjasama Sarawak Energy komited untuk memastikan pedalaman Sarawak akan memiliki akses kepada elektrik yang boleh dipercayai (24 jam) dan berpatutan.

The Future Skills That Public Servants Actually Need to Succeed

In a rapidly changing world, it’s vital to evolve, upskill, and change with it.

Successful Innovation in Public Services

A key aspect of the resulting change is an upsurge in agile collaboration and innovation with other sectors.

Unleashing Breakthrough Innovation in Government

Return seeking investors and entrepreneurs reap the financial rewards of changing the world by tearing down the structures of old industries.

Corruptions Multiprong Repercussions

Corruption is often systematic and organized, a crime that crosses borders and “betrays people and democracies.”

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