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Barriers in Evidence-Based Decision Making

One of the ways in making a good decision is through fact-based decision making approach. Fact-based decision-making approach is also known as evidence-based decision making,...

Cybersecurity Workplace Culture

Organisations store a lot of confidential data, which often do not belong to them but their customers, business partners, and suppliers. Businesses realise that...

Faktor Yang Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan di Tempat Kerja

Terdapat beberapa faktor dikenalpasti dapat mewujudkan kesejahteraan di tempat kerja antaranya persekitaran fizikal yang bersih dan selamat, keperluan asas pekerja disediakan, mempunyai hubungan yang...

Kepentingan Tempat Kerja yang Sihat

Tempat kerja yang sihat ditakrifkan sebagai tempat kerja yang sentiasa mewujudkan dan memperbaiki persekitaran sosial dan fizikal yang membolehkan pekerja saling menyokong antara satu...

Building a Positive Safety Culture in the Workplace

Most workplaces do not have a safety culture implemented, wherein safety is seen as a priority to both the managers and the workers within...

Safety and Productivity Are Linked

The most important thing that effects employee motivation and happiness, and how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working...

Faktor Kesihatan Penyumbang Kesejahteraan Di Tempat Kerja

Merujuk pada Badan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO), kesihatan adalah satu tahap di mana seseorang individu mempunyai keadaan yang sempurna dari segi mental, fizikal dan sosial...

Good Qualities of Management

Developing a good management team is a key component in running a successful business. Managers are critical in this role, as they not only...

Benefits of creating a safe working environment

Regardless of the size of an organization or company, safety in the workplace is important as nobody wants to work at a place that...

Mental Health and the Workplace

Compared to unemployment or worklessness, being employed and having the capacity to go to work can improve one’s physical and mental health. However, this...

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