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Benchmarking Is Part of a Continuous Improvement

Benchmarking is a core element of continuous enhancement programs. It is a way of discovering what is the best performance being achieved. Management theory and...

Confidence in The Integrity of The Information

With the growing use of information, the trustworthiness and dependability of information has become a critical factor for person and organisation. Information can be structured...

Amalan Berkongsi Ilmu di Tempat Kerja Perlu Diperkasakan

Perkongsian ilmu di kalangan rakan sekerja sangat penting kerana ilmu yang dikongsi tidak akan pernah berkurangan sebaliknya akan semakin bertambah sehingga memberi manfaat kepada...

Right to Information as a Consumer

A consumer has every right to receive accurate information, because they can only make informed decisions and purchases if they have the information they...

Mental Health of the Public and Civil Servants in Sarawak

Mental health affects daily life, relationships and even physical health. This also works vice versa, as factors in people’s lives, interpersonal connections, and physical...

Mewujudkan Perkongsian Pengetahuan di Tempat Kerja

Perkongsian pengetahuan di tempat kerja adalah satu proses pembelajaran berterusan yang penting serta dapat mengelakkan situasi ‘kedekut’ ilmu berlaku di kalangan pekerja. Pada dasarnya, kekayaan...

Right to Information in Times of Crisis

The right to information is recognised under international law as a fundamental human right. Access to information is important in its own right, and...

Budaya Berkongsi Pengetahuan Tidak Semudah Dijangka

Perkongsian maklumat dan pengetahuan dalam sesebuah organisasi dilihat sebagai satu budaya yang sangat baik kerana ia menjadi kunci untuk mengekal dan merebut kelebihan bersaing...

Creating a sense of urgency without stressing out

The word urgent seems to create a feeling of stress and anxiety. This might be true for those who are involved in service delivery. Creating a...

Understanding Customer Perception in Establishing an ‘Urgent’ Service Delivery

One way for government organisations to establish a sense of urgency within their customer service delivery is to understand how their citizen customers perceive...

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