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Kredibiliti Warga Perkhidmatan Awam Dinilai Oleh Orang Awam

Setiap warga Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sarawak (PANS) harus peka dengan keperluan dan ekspektasi rakyat yang secara tidak langsung akan mengubah persepsi mereka tentang kredibiliti...

No Wrong Door One Stop Centre

Civil service are facing increasing pressure to deliver broad, complex services efficiently, effectively and equitably. Citizen needs, expectations and preferences are formed by their experience...

Pembinaan Jalan Ulu Machan dan Tebingan Pekan Machan

Berucap semasa Majlis Perasmian Pejabat Pertanian baharu Nanga Machan, 22 Oktober 2020 yang lalu, Ketua Menteri, YAB Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman...

How Government Organisations Can Understand the Customer Experience

Like private sector organisations, those in the government should identify and fulfil the needs of citizen customers in order to enhance the customer experience. Establishing...

The Customer Experience and its Impact on Service Delivery

While advancement in digital technology demands governments around the world to adopt new approaches to improve service delivery, prioritising experience remains crucial in meeting...

Transformasi Digital Memudahkan Pelaksanaan ‘No Wrong Door Policy’ Perkhidmatan Kerajaan

Transformasi digital telah memberi kelebihan terhadap penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan. Melalui teknologi digital, polisi ‘No Wrong Door’ menjadi mudah dan tidak mustahil untuk dilaksanakan, seterusnya memberi...

SMA Meninjau Projek Pengubahsuaian Lima Buah Pusat Komuniti Digital

Kerajaan Sarawak melalui Lembaga Multimedia Sarawak (SMA) dengan kerjasama Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (PNS) dan Kementerian Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan Sarawak (MLGH) telah mewujudkan Pusat...

Keeping an Open Communication with Customers

When it comes to delivering customer service, communication is an important part of it.   In Sarawak, the State is emphasizing the delivery of good...

What Are Customer Needs?

In order for businesses to be successful, they must be able to identify and fulfil the needs of their customers. These are essentially motives...

Sarawak Development Expenditure for 2021

A sum of RM6.304 billion is proposed under the Development Expenditure Estimates for 2021 to finance various programmes and projects. This estimate has taken into...

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