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Reform Through Education and Fitness Address Obesity

Dame Carol Black in her “Working for a healthier tomorrow” (2008) report provide evidence linking good employee health and wellbeing and business, individual and...

Apa yang Perlu Dilakukan Apabila Berlaku Kes Buli di Sekolah

Banyak faktor yang boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kes buli di kalangan remaja atau kanak-kanak walaupun kita sedaya upaya dengan pelbagai cara untuk menghentikannya. Namun, para pakar...

Incorporating the ‘A’ in STEM Education

These days, more emphasis has been given to transition STEM education into STEAM education by incorporating arts into the curriculum In the age of technology,...

The Dangers of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity needs to be highly prioritised to ensure that children of today and the future are able to live longer and healthier One of...

Holistic Strategies Handling Ageing Workforce

Ageing presents wide ranging human resource challenges. Large numbers of retirements mean significant loss of experience, know-how and organisation memory. Staff departures or retiring also...

Usia Tua Menjadi Lebih Bermakna Jika Kesihatan Terjaga

Amalkan gaya hidup sihat untuk memastikan usia tua anda menjadi lebih bermakna Usia tua akan menjadi lebih bermakna sekiranya kita menjaga kesihatan dengan mengamalkan cara...

The Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030)

The Decade of Healthy Living prioritises concerted, sustained action to ultimately ensure that the older population of today and the future can lead longer,...

When words matter

Verbal bullying may include name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, insulting remarks or verbal abuse Words matter. Just as words can make one feel emotional, happy, inspired...

Effects of Bullying in the Workplace

The effects of workplace bullying can be harmful and it can take various forms such as physical, psychological and verbal abuse Bullying can take many...

Kepentingan Penuaan Aktif

Berjoging adalah salah satu aktiviti yang dapat melambatkan proses penuaan dan penyusutan otak Menurut Dasar Warga Emas Negara, penuaan aktif didefinisikan sebagai proses mengoptimumkan peluang...

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