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Kajian Global Mendapati Hampir Satu Pertiga Pelajar Sekolah Dibuli

Kajian komprehensif mengenai kes buli di sekolah di seluruh dunia mendapati, remaja lelaki dari latar belakang golongan berpendapatan rendah berkemungkinan besar menjadi mangsa buli. Kajian...

Society Capacity in Addressing Ageing Population Issues

We are ageing not just as individuals or communities but as a world. In 2006, almost 500 million people worldwide were 65 and older....

Fighting Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is becoming a serious problem among the society particularly the minors where apart from malicious comments online, certain posts or videos that go...

The Prevalence of Elder Abuse

Some experts believe that elder abuse is being under-reported due to the fear older people have in reporting such cases to family, friends, or...

Kesan-kesan Buruk Buli

Buli adalah perbuatan atau tingkah laku agresif berulang yang sengaja dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menyakiti individu yang lain dari segi fizikal, menta atau emosi. Ciri-ciri...

Ageism and its Impact Towards Older People

Ageism can affect every age group, but it is especially damaging for older people Ageism refers to the stereotyping and discrimination against individuals or groups...

Penuaan Penduduk Hakikat Yang Tidak Dapat Dinafikan

Malaysia dijangka tergolong dalam kelompok ‘negara tua’ apabila bilangan penduduk berumur 60 tahun ke atas mencecah 15% menjelang tahun 2030 Penuaan penduduk adalah fenomena abad...

Longer Lives Must Be Planned For

Global ageing is a success story. People today are living longer and healthier lives. This represents the triumph of public health, medical advancement, and...

Civil Service Change Leadership Spur Government Transformation Initiatives

Change is a constant feature of the modern Civil Service, whether it be structures, technology or processes, and our success relies on adapting to...

Mencapai Sasaran Dunia Bebas Lemak Trans Menjelang 2023

Lemak trans lazimnya terkandung di dalam makanan segera seperti kentang goreng Lemak trans yang dihasilkan dalam industri makanan adalah minyak yang diolah melalui proses hidrogenasi...

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