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The Benefits of Obtaining Forest Certification

Certain sectors such as the paper and packaging sector is committed to using forest-certified materials There are several benefits that forest managers, such as forest...

Kesan aktiviti pembelian dalam talian terhadap alam sekitar

Mungkin ramai yang tidak menyedari ada baik dan buruknya aktiviti pembelian barangan dalam talian terhadap alam sekitar Pada 2018, aktiviti e-dagang mencatatkan nilai sebanyak USD23...

Jana Pendapatan Sebagai Penyedia Perkhidmatan Melalui Sara-X

Orang ramai boleh mendapatkan perkhidmatan seperti menyelenggara penghawa dingin, elektrik, memotong rumput dan sebagainya dengan mudah melalui aplikasi Sara-X Centexs Commercial Services (CCS), anak syarikat...

Youth Need to Adapt to the Evolving Landscape

There are over 1 billion young people (aged 15-24) in the world today, which amounts to some 18% of the world’s total population. Youth is...

MyTrace, Aplikasi mudah alih pengesanan kontak

Dalam memerangi COVID-19, pengesanan kontak atau contact tracing adalah sangat penting. Petugas kesihatan mesti tahu siapa yang pernah berada dekat dengan orang yang dikenalpasti...

The Basics of Forest Certification

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is among the most renowned forest certification systems in the world. Other forest certification includes the...

Post Covid-19 Recovery Plan by MEDAC

The post Covid-19 recovery plan would be implemented in two phases; May to December 2020 (Phase 1) and January to May 2021 (Phase 2) The...

Tips for older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic

Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are advised to take extra precautions as they might be at...

Program Jangka Panjang untuk memulihkan ekonomi Sarawak Pasca COVID-19

Bagi memastikan ekonomi negeri Sarawak akan terus mampu untuk berkembang walaupun dalam keadaan yang sukar, satu program jangka panjang untuk memulihkan ekonomi Sarawak pasca...

18 COVID-19 Screening Hospitals Available in Sarawak

18 hospitals in Sarawak are now providing screenings for COVID-19, according to the Director-General of Health Malaysia, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah There are now...

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