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Proses Digitalisasi Perlu Dilaksanakan Segera, Memastikan Negara Bersiap Sedia Pada Masa Depan

Impak daripada wabak COVID-19 secara tidak langsung telah mengubah cara kita bekerja, bertindak dan berfikir di luar dari norma kebiasaan. Kita semua terpaksa “membiasakan diri”...

Pelihara Hidupan Marin dengan Mengurangkan Penggunaan Plastik

Setiap tahun, sampah marin telah meningkat dengan kemasukan lapan (8) juta tan plastik ke dalam laut. Hari ini, terdapat lima (5) trilion sampah plastik di...

Enhancing Women Empowerment in Sarawak

The empowerment and self-sufficiency of women along with their social and economic status is crucial for the achievement of sustainable development in Sarawak The empowerment...

E-Bazar Bukti Kesungguhan Kerajaan Menyokong Platform Digital

E-Bazar yang menggunakan platform Facebook antara kumpulan peniaga dalam talian yang paling produktif Pelaksanaan e-Bazar berikutan pembatalan bazar Ramadan di seluruh negeri disebabkan Perintah Kawalan...

The Right of Development and Environment Protection

In recent years there has been growing global pressure on all levels of governments to improve performance. There is also a growing concern with sustainability,...

Private Veterinary Clinics to be Operated by Appointment Only

Veterinary clinics are allowed to be opened, but only for appointment-based services The Malaysian Government has agreed to allow private veterinary clinics to operate during...

Aplikasi Bantuan Darurat Tabung Baitulmal, Lebih Mudah dan Pantas

Tabung Baitulmal (TBS) akan memastikan golongan asnaf di Sarawak terjaga dari segi bekalan barangan asas selain bertindak membantu masyarakat Islam yang terkesan sepanjang tempoh...

Apple dan Google jalin kerjasama bangunkan teknologi kesan kontak Covid-19

Apple Inc dan Google bekerjasama dalam memerangi pandemik Covid-19 melalui teknologi Pelbagai pihak dari pelbagai sektor dan industri kini terlibat aktif dalam apa saja cara...

Proper Healthcare Waste Management during COVID-19

An effective healthcare waste management is necessary to cope better with significant increase in healthcare waste associated with disasters, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic The...

Disinformation and Misinformation Will Alter our Perception

In the high-speed information free-for-all on social media platforms and the internet, everyone can be a publisher. Proactive sharing of information has its benefits,...

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