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Digital Era

CENTEXS Anjur Karnival Digital Sarawak 2022

Sepanjang karnival, program Community Technical Outreach Program (CTOP), Bengkel Teknologi Asas Pembangunan Aplikasi Android, Bengkel Teknologi Imersif Augmented Reality (AR) dan Virtual Reality (VR) serta program Penyambungan Kabel Fiber Optik (Splicing) juga akan diadakan.

BDA Perkenalkan Aplikasi Digital Parking Mulai Mei 2022

Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu (BDA) pada awal Mei yang lepas telah memperkenalkan serta melancarkan kaedah meletak kereta tanpa kupon (Digital Parking) bagi memudahkan pembayaran tempat...

Inovasi Pacu Pembangunan Inklusif Negeri Sarawak Menjelang 2030

Kelestarian alam sekitar merupakan bahagian yang tidak akan pernah terpisah daripada inisiatif pembangunan kerana Sarawak begitu komited memastikan persekitaran yang bersih dan sihat untuk generasi semasa dan akan datang.

Mengorak Langkah Melayari 4IR

Pendidikan dalam bidang sains, teknologi, kejuruteraan dan matematik (STEM) dikenal pasti sebagai platform tepat ke arah mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi digital yang harus diberi perhatian.

Anticipating for Smart Ports in Sarawak

MIPD has proposed to upgrade technology used in port operations to improve efficiencies and service delivery as part of its minister 100 days initiative in the ministry.

RPA’s Digital System Has Increased Its Quality of Services and Service Delivery

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has quickened Rajang Port Authority’s shipping documentation process and enhanced its capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

KFA Aligned to RPA’s Strategic Plan

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has enhanced Rajang Port Authority’s capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

Mentransformasi Perniagaan Ke Arah Digitalisasi

Program Go Digital Sarawak merupakan satu inisiatif untuk mentransformasikan perniagaan ke arah digitalisasi dan usahawan yang terpilih akan dibimbing dan dipantau selama enam (6) bulan untuk memastikan mereka boleh menggunakan peralatan digital dengan lebih efektif.

Providing Service Delivery (Shipping Documentation) with Excellence through Digital Economy

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has quickened Rajang Port Authority’s shipping documentation process and enhanced its capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

In Preparing to Embrace 4IR

4IR technologies present new and promising opportunities for Malaysia. 4IR have the potential to improve the wellbeing of society by raising income levels, increasing societal cohesion, improving efficiency, providing convenience, safety and security, and better protecting and conserving limited natural resources.

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