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Benefits of Digital Governance to Citizens

Digital governance can be defined as an application of information technology to the functioning of the government. It aims to enhance the delivery of public...

Tackling the Digital Divide in Rural Areas

The digital economy is designed to be inclusive, which means socio-economic progress through digitalisation should benefit the urban population and rural communities. For governments, advancing...

Digital Governance Helps Keep Organizations Agile

Digital governance is a system that helps to establish lines of accountability, roles and decision-making authority for the digital presence of an organization. Digital governance is a framework for establishing accountability, roles, and decision-making authority for an organization’s digital presence. It addresses three topics: strategy, policy, and standards.

Apakah Tadbir Urus Digital?

Tadbir urus digital merupakan satu kerangka kerja untuk mewujudkan akauntabiliti, peranan dan kuasa dalam membuat keputusan untuk kehadiran digital sesebuah organisasi - bermaksud, penggunaan...

Emergence of new public management

In the competitive world, people are demanding quality goods and services as they are now keen to compare services of all organizations.

Empat Elemen Penting Dalam Pengurusan Awam

Kawalan Eksekutif merupakan sebuah Badan yang melaksanakan segala undang-undang dan keputusan yang dibuat oleh badan perundangan namun, pelaksanaan undang-undang tersebut dibuat melalui badan yang dinamakan sebagai birokrasi.

Public Administration – Part of Web of Governance

National goals must reflect what public administration can realistically achieve, both alone and as part of the necessary institutional framework for implementing policy goals.

Fostering Competition Under New Public Management

New public management (NPM) was introduced in the 1980s as an approach to running public service organizations that is used in government and public service institutions...

Perbezaan di Antara Pentadbiran Awam Dengan Pentadbiran Swasta

Pentadbiran Awam ditakrifkan sebagai pelaksanaan dasar kerajaan atau dasar awam yang dirumuskan oleh cawangan eksekutif kerajaan. Ia berkaitan dengan fungsi pentadbiran yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan...

Differences Between Public Management and Private Management

Irrespective of sector or type of organisation, management generally involves the effective utilisation of an organisation’s resources to achieve desired goals and objectives, be...

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