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Continuous Improvement Revolves Around Teamwork Activities

Organizational achievement is influenced by the work ethic practiced by its employees. If an individual's work ethic is good, there are less problems that arise in the organization. It also shows the higher the quality of service, excellent work culture environment and this will further increase employee commitment.

Service Quality Failure Is Costly

Quality failure is costly, and the time to recover can be significant. The cost of quality failure can be categorized as internal or external. Internal failure costs are those caused by products or services that do not fulfil requirements established prior to delivery, while external failure costs occur following the delivery of products and services to external customers, which lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Didorong Oleh Ekspektasi Pelanggan

Terdapat dua kategori pelanggan iaitu pelanggan dalaman (internal) yang merupakan individu atau organisasi yang menerima produk atau menggunakan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan dan pelanggan luaran...

TQM Adalah Faktor Penting Dalam Memenuhi Ekspektasi Pelanggan

Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) dalam sesebuah organisasi dilihat sebagai satu faktor yang sangat penting untuk mewujudkan standard yang didorong oleh permintaan atau ekspektasi pelanggan. Hal...

Cybersecurity Workplace Culture

Organisations store a lot of confidential data, which often do not belong to them but their customers, business partners, and suppliers. Businesses realise that...

Building a Positive Safety Culture in the Workplace

Most workplaces do not have a safety culture implemented, wherein safety is seen as a priority to both the managers and the workers within...

Benchmarking Is Part of a Continuous Improvement

Benchmarking is a core element of continuous enhancement programs. It is a way of discovering what is the best performance being achieved. Management theory and...

Amalan Berkongsi Ilmu di Tempat Kerja Perlu Diperkasakan

Perkongsian ilmu di kalangan rakan sekerja sangat penting kerana ilmu yang dikongsi tidak akan pernah berkurangan sebaliknya akan semakin bertambah sehingga memberi manfaat kepada...

Creating a sense of urgency without stressing out

The word urgent seems to create a feeling of stress and anxiety. This might be true for those who are involved in service delivery. Creating a...

Understanding Customer Perception in Establishing an ‘Urgent’ Service Delivery

One way for government organisations to establish a sense of urgency within their customer service delivery is to understand how their citizen customers perceive...

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