Penganjuran HIITS 2021 walaupun dengan kehadiran fizikal yang terhad tetapi meriah daripada segi penyertaan secara maya yang turut diikuti lebih 2,000 peserta yang turut dirasmikan YAB Ketua Menteri.
Rural-based businesses such as agri-food and tourism, which have traditionally been two of our strongest indigenous enterprise sectors, are built on the natural and human capital found in rural areas.
Rural areas hold much of Sarawak’s natural resources, biodiversity and visitor attractions, and rural communities are important guardians of our heritage, culture and natural capital.
Reinventing public administration is a positive and necessary way forward.
Without public administration modernization and transformation to adapt to today’s needs, realizing a better future for all will be impossible.
One of the most frequently lodged complaints received by the Sarawak Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB) from members of the public is the disruption...
Kawalan Eksekutif merupakan sebuah Badan yang melaksanakan segala undang-undang dan keputusan yang dibuat oleh badan perundangan namun, pelaksanaan undang-undang tersebut dibuat melalui badan yang dinamakan sebagai birokrasi.
National goals must reflect what public administration can realistically achieve, both alone and as part of the necessary institutional framework for implementing policy goals.
New public management (NPM) was introduced in the 1980s as an approach to running public service organizations that is used in government and public service institutions...
Pentadbiran Awam ditakrifkan sebagai pelaksanaan dasar kerajaan atau dasar awam yang dirumuskan oleh cawangan eksekutif kerajaan.
Ia berkaitan dengan fungsi pentadbiran yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan...
Irrespective of sector or type of organisation, management generally involves the effective utilisation of an organisation’s resources to achieve desired goals and objectives, be...