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Pengurusan Kualiti

Pejabat Daerah Bintulu Tambah Baik Sistem Penyampaian Perkhidmatan

Antara penambahbaikan yang dilaksanakan ialah menggunakan sistem ERNDO secara optimum bagi proses kerja Urusan Berkanun seperti Probet dan Surat Kuasa Mentadbir, Sijil Anak Angkat, Perkahwinan Adat dan Permohonan Pendaftaran Nama-nama Perniagaan.

RPA’s Digital System Has Increased Its Quality of Services and Service Delivery

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has quickened Rajang Port Authority’s shipping documentation process and enhanced its capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

KFA Aligned to RPA’s Strategic Plan

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has enhanced Rajang Port Authority’s capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

Providing Service Delivery (Shipping Documentation) with Excellence through Digital Economy

The Key Focus Activity project focusing on service delivery has quickened Rajang Port Authority’s shipping documentation process and enhanced its capability to serve its customers efficiently and effectively through digital technology.

Effective and Efficient Management of Community Leaders in Dalat (Part Two)

The Performance Measurement Methods for KMKK Management and Leadership created by Dalat District Office’s KIK group The Administrator aims to boost the performance of local community leaders in Dalat.

Effective and Efficient Management of Community Leaders in Dalat (Part One)

The Performance Measurement Methods for KMKK Management and Leadership created by Dalat District Office’s KIK group The Administrator aims to boost the performance of local community leaders in Dalat.

Striving for Innovative Excellence at Sarawak State Treasury Department (Part Three)

Through a systematic structure and a supportive management, Sarawak State Treasury Department has managed to thrive in its innovation endeavour.

Striving for Innovative Excellence at Sarawak State Treasury Department (Part Two)

Through a systematic structure and a supportive management, Sarawak State Treasury Department has managed to thrive in its innovation endeavour.

Striving for Innovative Excellence at Sarawak State Treasury Department

Through a systematic structure and a supportive management, Sarawak State Treasury Department has managed to thrive in its innovation endeavour.

KIK Medan Penanda Aras Amalan Terbaik

Penganjuran HIITS 2021 walaupun dengan kehadiran fizikal yang terhad tetapi meriah daripada segi penyertaan secara maya yang turut diikuti lebih 2,000 peserta yang turut dirasmikan YAB Ketua Menteri.

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