The One Stop Collection Centre (OSCC) would benefit women entrepreneurs in Sarawak, and it is believed that participating in the programme will boost their ability to support themselves in the future and provide a stable source of income for their family.
The National Budget 2022 has garnered positive response from citizens regarding the initiatives and measures introduced for women’s welfare and well-being.
Given the opportunity and space, women can be the driving force for national productivity and economy.
Minister of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Child Development YB Dato Sri Hajah Fatimah Abdullah announced that in view of the Covid-19 pandemic,...
The empowerment and self-sufficiency of women along with their social and economic status is crucial for the achievement of sustainable development in Sarawak
The empowerment...
Minister of Women, Family and Community Development YB Dato’ Sri Rohani binti Haji Abdul Karim (front, third left) launched the Program Literasi Undang-Undang Siri...
YBhg Puan Sri Datin Amar Hajah Saptuyah (memegang bendera) merangkap Pengerusi MAKSAK Wanita Negeri Sarawak, bersedia melakukan Flag-Off para peserta Amazing Race 2015 di perkarangan Muzium...
Hajah Salmah Ibrahim (kanan), Pengerusi Persatuan Ibu Tunggal Sarawak antara yang tersenarai sebagai penerima MRP N.50 Dalat bagi kawasan Kuching daripada Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita...
Sidang Media oleh Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Pembangunan Keluarga YB Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah berkenaan penganjuran program Walk of Love dengan tema 'We Care...